* Posts by kain preacher

3832 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Apr 2007

TalkTalk fined £100k for exposing personal sensitive info

kain preacher

I was also thinking that every publicly traded company would need a compliance officer that can be criminally liable. The company could not take revenue if they have no compliance officer, And no they could not back bill the customers they would forfeit income till as such time the get an compliance officer. If the compliance officer say you should not do some thing or it could expose you and they are overruled, the person that made that decision would be criminally liable. If they say they can not find the person the company forfeits all income till such time the decision maker is found. If after 3 months no one is found then the company will be forced to stop trading. All assets seized and the company tossed into receivership. At that time a special masters will be appointed to decide if the company shall continue with s new management and board of directors or permanently cease trading. All corporate officers shall be bared from running a public company for five years. Both the corporate officers and the board members shall be barred from serving on any board of directors for 10 years .

kain preacher

Quick way to stop this. Pass a law that every time they get fined no bonus can be paid out for 3 years.

Lauri Love and Gary McKinnon's lawyer, UK supporters rally around Marcus Hutchins

kain preacher

Re: But...

I was a responding to the poster that suggest he was up for life.

kain preacher

Re: But...

Well you got me there. The US had some fucked up drug laws up until the 90's

kain preacher

Re: But...

attempting suicide was the reason they gave. And yes they do put people in isolation for that

kain preacher

Re: But...

A few things to get straight mate. In the US the prosecutor has no say so in what prison you go to. Secondly super max is only for violent offenders or people who commit repeat criminal offense behind bars. Thirdly isolation is for punishment when you screw up in prison the prosecutor can not ask for it. Lastly I don;t know why people in here seem to be caught up with this idea that every one will get these supper long prison sentence . First off the crime is accused of caps at 20 years. It's very rare for a first time offender to get the max for a non violent crime.,

SAP cleans up more than a dozen troubling CRM security blunders

kain preacher

Re: Whoops!

if they are still using CP/M that;s whole nother can of worms. Grabs her coat. it's the one with the xerox 8010 manual in it.

Uber bros kill car leasing program after losing nine grand per vehicle

kain preacher

Re: My friend ....

wow it made it past your sarcasm and bullshit app. I must be better than I thought .

kain preacher

Because Proposition is not legal in Clarke county. Ok direct sex is not legal, a company can screw you .

kain preacher

I don't know why every one is so down on uber. My friend makes makes $15,000 driving for Uber. She has sex with the clients in the back seat. She then sends the pictures and the bill to their place of work.

New Amiga to go on sale in late 2017

kain preacher

You all are wrong. apple IIgs was the best

Brits look at Google and Facebook every 210 seconds, says survey

kain preacher

Only way not to be tracked by face book is to log out.

Assange offers job to sacked Google diversity manifestbro

kain preacher

Re: Double standards

If you have a green you dont need a work permit.

Since when is checking to make sure some complies with the law or is here legally discrimination ?

kain preacher

Re: Double standards

Don't know were you live, but in the US you can not discriminate based these criteria .

race, color, religious creed, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, age, military service, or disability.

Core-blimey! Intel's Core i9 18-core monster – the numbers

kain preacher

Re: Cost of AMD CPU In General

Athlon 64 were. In fact for a tiny bit there were the fast clacked x86. Athlon's were the first to the GHz race

kain preacher

Re. Hp is still using low end AMD APU: Cost of AMD CPU In General

But by then the damage has been done. Untill Ryzen came out Dell only used AMD cheapest chips on the lowest spec crap . HP is still using low end APU from AMD. Lenovo seems to have a decent spec AMD line up.

kain preacher

Re: Cost of AMD CPU In General

Because Intel gave out rebates to those that used Intel only. At one point Intel was giving Dell close to a billion dollars a year i rebates. When AMD offered to give HP 1 million free CPUs HP turned it down because the amount of money they would lose from intel was to great. Things have started to change in the last 5 years though.

US military gets authority to shoot down citizens' small drones

kain preacher

Sure , but they might buzz back. Some thing called puff the magic dragon.

You had ONE job: Italian firefighters suspected of starting blazes for cash

kain preacher


Happened in New york in the 18th century.

Parents claim Disney gobbled up kids' info through mobile games

kain preacher

Re: Couldn't agree more !!!

Mickey. The first rat to create a people trap.

kain preacher

Re: Puzzled

This American has never found Mickey to even be remotely entertaining .

kain preacher

Re: Puzzled

In order for MS to be like Disney this it they would had to do.

1.) wait till the copy for ext to expire.

2.)convince courts around the world that they now own all the rights to ext directives and ignore prior art.

3.) extend copy right to 100 years.

This what Disney did with fair tails. They plucked them from public domain.

Teen who texted boyfriend to kill himself gets 15 months jail

kain preacher

Re: Two free speech aspects

Son of sam laws prevent that. in The US you can not profit from crime.

Thought your divorce was ugly? Bloke sues wife for wiretapping – 'cos she read his email

kain preacher

If it was pre-finalised divorce, isn't it all assumed to be shared property?

Depends. In most sates there is a term called legally separated. At that point stuff that it's in your possession tends to be yours and any new thing you buy is not community property . Legally separate comes before divorce hearing.

kain preacher

Re: Why issue a sueball?

Because you have to convenience some to prosecute. It's not uncommon for the plod here to say oh that's a civil case.

Uber drivers game Uber's system like Uber games the entire planet

kain preacher

Last time I went to a fair I got food poisoning . avoid the curry goat.

kain preacher

So if they can not turn down fairs then they are employees.

Canadian ISPs do not Canuck around: Bloke accused of piracy grilled in his home for hours

kain preacher

Re: I guess they're lucky

invitation. Curse auto correct.

kain preacher

Re: I guess they're lucky

Depending on the state, pushing your way into some house is and indentation to meet the angel of death.

kain preacher

Re: Fight club

has kodi on her raspberry pi

Look out Silicon Valley, here comes Brit bruiser Amber Rudd to lay down the (cyber) law

kain preacher

Re: Boris Johnson is American already

The CIA is gov agency not a one individual. Besides the CIA has never been concerned about obey any laws in any country.

kain preacher

Re: Boris Johnson is American already

That's not automatic. You still have to renounce your citizenship. There is a little known law that says American citizens can not be involved in foreign governments or write policy/laws for for foreign governments.

kain preacher

Re: Boris Johnson is American already

Yes he does. There was an article were he was bitching about having to pay US income tax after selling a house in the UK

"Boris Johnson is American already, having been born in New York. So that doesn't count."

I was hoping no one would of noticed that :), But I think he did give up his citizenship after having to pay a hefty US income tax bill.

kain preacher

FIne we will take borris johnson.

kain preacher

But then you have to take Trump and Ted Cruz.

Windows Subsystem for Linux to debut in Windows 10 Fall Creators Update

kain preacher

Re: Windows 10 Fail

Funny I've never had that experience.

Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg: Crypto ban won't help trap terrorists

kain preacher

Re: And what if they could access those messages?

You know information over load is common tactic lawyers use here in the US You sue a company for a defective item. Lets say a defective fuel system. SO you request that they give you the designs of the fuel system and any related notes. The company gives you every thing possible related to the fuel system including past designs designs that were ruled out notes from a foreign subsidiary in a foreign language all in the hopes to flood you with so much paper work you will never find what you are looking for in time.

They need to be worried about information overload and the abilty to discern from a harmless nutter from some that can actually do harm. Worse yet some that can fly under the radar and appear to be normal.

Systemd wins top gong for 'lamest vendor' in Pwnie security awards

kain preacher

How about Java Script ?

GPS III satellites and ground station projects get even later as costs gently spiral

kain preacher

Remembers OCX blowing up.

Petition calls for Adobe Flash to survive as open source zombie

kain preacher


Turns out that free love was not so free after all.

kain preacher


It's like a nasty STD that seems to be drug resistant .

Florida Man sues Verizon for $72m – for letting him commit identity theft

kain preacher

Re: The time has come .......

she did not get millions. At first she only asked for medical but was ignored, They were serving coffee way above industry norms. Oh and the car was not moving. She suffered 3rd degree burns.

Sweden leaked every car owners' details last year, then tried to hush it up

kain preacher

Sorry I just assume any one that could find their way to el reg comment section would be able to detect sarcasm and would now about the general snarkyness on this site.

Nest security camera captures landlord's romp on tenants' bed

kain preacher

Re: cops?!

Here in the US if you enter with out permission it's burglary .

Flaws in web-connected, radiation-monitoring kit? What could go wrong?

kain preacher

Re: Perhaps El Reg should report on IoT done right...

Actually it would require more time,m ore work. Seriously when have you heard of IoT done right ? It would be faster for el reg to create it's own secure IoT device then to scour the world to find one.

Think you could deliver a Register lecture? Tell us why

kain preacher

But do you give lectures about how they revolutionized the porn industry ?

kain preacher

Ahem I give lectures about how aliens control our every day lives.

Big Cable falls into wormhole to alternate universe, sends back blog post about USA's amazing broadband

kain preacher

Most DSL in the US is 1.5. It's rare to get 6m

kain preacher

Re: at least two wired internet service providers

I was not aware you still could get isdn in the US. well not 128k line. Mostly what I see is a T1 line with ISDN as the protocol.

Virgin Media's profanity warning triggered by chief exec's name

kain preacher

Wasn't there an issue with face book not accepting certain cites or street names as it clashed with the filters ?