* Posts by kain preacher

3832 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Apr 2007

Manchester plod still running 1,500 Windows XP machines

kain preacher

Re: I still have two XP instances

Psst. Make them install windows 10 or linux from floppy. Better yet try try and make them install windows XP from floppies on a Pentium 75 mhz cpu

Uber Cali goes ballistic, calls online ads bogus: These million-dollar banners are something quite atrocious

kain preacher

It ain't no fun when the rabbit has the gun.

Sexploitation gang thrown in clink for 171 years after 'hunting' kids online and luring them in front of webcams

kain preacher

So I shouldn't mention that digital tv is mpeg ?

kain preacher

Pssst H.264 is mpeg-4 part 10

HP users moaning over 10-minute login lag during 'Win 10 update'

kain preacher

Re: Use the 10 minutes wisely

And you think that will solve HP issues of making fucked software that causes problems ?

HP: Your coders are incompetent idiots because we pay peanuts. Lets switch OS to make the issue go away/

kain preacher

I remember HP telling that there was bug in windows XP that caused a clients computer not to go to sleep and the problem was MS fault not HP. I was thinking if that's the case then why did you send me out to replace the MB . Looking at the notes this was the third MB that was replaced for this issue. I have a feeling the HP guy was selling me a load of BS.

User worked with wrong app for two weeks, then complained to IT that data had gone missing

kain preacher


I've worked in places that a reboot takes 3 minutes or longer. You have scripts and other corporate crap running before you get to some thing useful.

El Reg is hiring an intern. Apply now before it closes

kain preacher

What , if you can decode a man from mars you can handle any task El reg tosses out you. Could be worse. The interim could be forced to moderate post. Think Eadon

Oracle to shutter most Euro hardware support teams

kain preacher

But but I'm trying close the multi agency deal. I'm trying to be the back end for HMRC ,NHS and the border agency.

Psst I'm working on Oracle/sap deal that will run on HP itanium.

kain preacher

You left out hookers and or brown paper bags full of cash

Developer swings DMCA sueball at foul-mouthed streamer PewDiePie

kain preacher

To the people that say streaming is copy right infringement you are wrong. There is a such a thing as fair use. H3H3 law suit further clarified this. As long as there is commentary, critique, parody or use on the news it's fair use. Oh and just because Nintendo does it does not make it legal. It just means no one has had the cash to go against Nintendo.


kain preacher

Re: Perjury

A you tube lawyer went over this, On their website they said you are free to stream, They did not put any restrictions so I don't know why people dont voted the above poster.

User demanded PC be moved to move to a sunny desk – because it needed Windows

kain preacher

Re: PC fail

So on top of having a shitty computer it's sticky to.

kain preacher

Re: PC fail

awesome...I just spit all over my keyboard and monitor at the toilet brush....

I'm confused so I have to ask. WHy do you have a computer in your bath room ?

kain preacher

Re: As any good medical professional will tell you

Should told her you only do slow screws :)

kain preacher

Re: there are a few tweets

Spanner the level of vitriol was sickening. Any one that dared suggested twitter had a use was down voted. That if you lost some thing on twitter it was your fucking fault. You are the product(cause its free) and you are an idiot because you should know nothing in life is free so you must be giving some thing up.

kain preacher

Re: there are a few tweets

Woah there Nelly. EL reg has a twitter account and people here actually use it ? Remembers another thread er people here were calling twitter stupid .

kain preacher

Re: Oh dear

You sure about that ? I've seen some craptastic programmers that even your average idiot would know they are beyond hope.

kain preacher

So just the Printer is 30 kilos. That's only a broken foot or leg :)

kain preacher

Re: PC fail

"surely medical professionals, of all people, should know that just because something fits in a cavity that doesn't mean it belongs there"

"No homophobia here please. Kindly report to your nearest re-education camp."

Um mate Why would that make you think of gay people ? Have you not read the articles on El Reg about metal rings around men's toddgers or seen the show sex sent me to the ER? There have been plenty of cases of me and women that stock things in their bodies that don't belong, but some how you read that to mean a guy guy with stuff up his bum, No my friends it's you that just might need the re education camp.

kain preacher

Re: Error 524

90 minutes ? Try 2-3 hours for me.

F-35 firmware patches to be rolled out 'like iPhone updates'

kain preacher

No kick backs, more like collusion since the competitors do it too.

Funny side note my spell checker kept on saying don't you mean collision. I'm getting worried that google can read what web site I'm on in real time. Google up stories on the f 35. Ok pulling up articles on wasted money.

kain preacher

Re: Same old.m

I was thinking about that movie. 20 years to get the bradely into service. Over 7 major revisions ,Isreal would not take it as configured for the Americans( Death trap). Oh and the comments in the notes were funny.

kain preacher

You mean windows 10 style forced update then reboot?

kain preacher

You mean this is going to force an update at the worst possible time ? I can see this now. Over hostile territory and your system reboots.

Mexican tax refund site left 400GB of sensitive customer info wide open

kain preacher

Dont wory. Equifax has stepped up and offered free credit monitoring.

EU court must rule on legality of UK's mass surveillance – tribunal

kain preacher

I read this as wah wah we can't treat every one as criminals.

FBI probing Uber over use of 'Hell' spyware to track rival biz Lyft

kain preacher

Is there a word for some that can not follow the law ? Some one that is compelled to break all the rules and be a dick .

Vid game's easiest level makes players white, hardest level makes them black

kain preacher

Bah American dad's version of trapped in the closet was better :) SP park was just creeper.

Intel's €1bn EU antitrust appeal: What the heck is the AEC test?

kain preacher

Re: I also just wonder...

The company was HP and the discount the were getting from Intel was so great just accepting the free chips would of wiped out any gains of dumping them on the grey market. This actually common knowledge .

Oracle 'systematically denies' its sales reps their commissions, forces them to work to pay off 'debts', court told

kain preacher

Re: Feds

"Why isn't the Justice Department investigating Larry and Company for violation of the RICO statutes"

You must not live in the US. When Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III became the head of the justice dept first thing he did was stop investigating crooked police dept and stop enforcing agreements police dept had with the DoJ. Don't expect to many companies to get investigated while he is in charge.

kain preacher

Re: Oracle that hard up for cash?

This what happens when you have psychopaths in management that can't stand if one cent is left on the table.

Linus Torvalds passed a kidney stone and then squeezed out Linux 4.13

kain preacher

Re: More painful than childbirth...

Women have said kidney stones hurt worse then birth.

80% of IT projects in public sector delayed due to IR35 – report

kain preacher

Re: I think I've got it

"Government strategy is to force out local contractors and bring in even more off shoring to ensure even less tax is paid."

I'm thinking this is to force the little guys out so the big boys get more money.

Well, whad'ya know? 'No evidence' that Obama wiretapped Trump Tower

kain preacher

Re: @AC Funny... but no.

SIgh. Wire tapping is defined as using any form of electronic device to easy drop.

Crushed Juicero now officially a fruitless endeavor

kain preacher

Re: I bet...

Have you tried EEVblog ?

kain preacher

Re: I bet...

I've seen when they go to this distillery .

kain preacher

Re: I bet...

My boss wants me to tell you guys to stop suggesting you tube videos as the productivity has seem to gone down :)

kain preacher

Re: I bet...

Arrg why didnt you tell me sooner ?

I'm addicted to Ave now.

Oh try clive.


Tesla hit with official complaint over factory conditions

kain preacher

Re: unions could be beneficial

The problem with unions being non political is what do you do when the people go to congress to lobby against unions or worker rights ?

Why is it that geeks' favourite enemies are... other geeks?

kain preacher

whats wrong with emacs using system d :)

kain preacher

emacs daemon with systemd

When uploading comments to the FCC, you can now include malware

kain preacher

With numpties like these how would they know if they have been infected ? This like taking a windows or even a linux server and turning on ever single port possible with no fire walls and wounder why you got hit.

Oracle has to pay top sales rep stiffed out of $250,000, US court rules

kain preacher

Re: Wasting the courts time

Here in my home state of California it's up to 33.33% a day or a max of 30 days. Oh and thats compound interest.

Couple fires sueball at Amazon over faulty solar eclipse-viewing goggles

kain preacher

Re: Sungazing should never be taken lightly!!

Stop reading my diary .

kain preacher

Re: Sungazing should never be taken lightly!!

Hey at least buying from a trunk you know it's fake and you might even be able to inspect the goods . I got nice knock off leather jacket that way.

Police deny Notting Hill Carnival face recog tech led to wrongful arrest

kain preacher

Re: Nothing wrong with being "wrongfully" arrested

Detained or arrested ? I know it might be splitting hairs. But here in the US Detained means stopped then let go Arrested usually means hand cuffed, questions and or take back to the stations for further interview.

UK council fined £70k for leaving vulnerable people's data open to world+dog

kain preacher

Simple fix. Every one in the council is fined 3 months pay.

US focuses eyes in the sky as Hurricane Harvey starts to slam into Texas

kain preacher

Because last time they tried to do that 100 people died. This time only 5 so yes it was the right call.