OF course her refused medical. If that stupid to drive in the back of fire truck there is nothing that can be done. Well except making sure you can never drive again
Posts by kain preacher
3832 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Apr 2007
Aut-doh!-pilot: Driver jams 65mph Tesla Model S under fire truck, walks away from crash
NASA is sniffing jet fuel over Germany
Facebook invents new unit of time to measure modern attention spans: 1/705,600,000 of a sec
Electronic voting box makers want kit stripped from eBay – and out of hackers' hands
Re: Ontario, Canada doesn't have these problems . . .
It works like that in the sates that have electronic voting . But states like Alabama took things in a weird direction. They only kept the paper ballots. After the election they toss the digital results. IF you were to a de count you can not tell if the paper ballots match the digital count
'There was no monetary incentive for this' = not what you want to hear about your tattoo
NHS OKs offshoring patient data to cloud providers stateside
Job ad for designer proves its point with MS Paint shocker
In Soviet California, pedestrian hits you! Bloke throws himself in front of self-driving car
Feds charge Barclays trader with fraud in Hewlett-Packard deal
There are other, legal ways to nab Microsoft emails, privacy groups remind Supremes
"This is crucial to the case because the US government has argued that Microsoft has the sole power to choose where it stores data, and should be able to migrate it back to the US, to hand it over to the government."
Except for in countries that says Data about their citizens must not leave their country
User had no webcam or mic, complained vid conference didn’t work
Scumbag who tweeted vulnerable adults' details is hauled into court
Sili-spurned Valley! No way, San Jose! Amazon snubs SF Bay Area in search for HQ2 city
Home Office admits it sent asylum seeker’s personal info to the state he was fleeing
UK's Just Eat faces probe after woman tweets chat-up texts from 'delivery guy'
Remember those holy tech wars we used to have? Heh, good times
Ford giving electric car investment a jolt to the tune of $11bn
Of course Uber allegedly had a tool to remotely destroy evidence
US House reps green-light Fourth Amendment busting spy program
Swiss cheesed off after Apple store iPhone does Samsung Galaxy Note 7 impersonation
Leaky credit report biz face massive fines if US senators get their way
Hold on to your aaSes: Yup, Windows 10 'as a service' is incoming
Sky customer dinged for livestreaming pay-per-view boxing to Facebook
Re: THAT Price for one View?
Payed is not an American thing. it's like confusing to and too.
To pay out a rope or cable is to let out by slacking.
The captain payed out additional rope for the sails.
The construction works payed out the cable as he strung the line.
Laying down telephone lines, he payed out the cable as he went.
Payed can also refer to the sealing of a deck or hull of a wooden ship with pitch or tar to prevent leakage.
Have you payed the deck?
This ship looks fine but has yet to be payed.