* Posts by DR

202 publicly visible posts • joined 8 Feb 2008


eBayer invites buyers to rip him off


sadly deluded

well if it was a marketing campaign for tazbar, then it worked,

I hadn't heard of it, but now I have I had a look, and just like ebay it's rammed full of everyone else's shit that they don't want! people hocking their second hand goods to try and make a little money, professional sellers selling their goods to try and make a lot of money.

it's exactly the same as ebay in principal, and will I imagine, in time be subject to the same kinds of scams etc... (albeit that there are less things here as it doesn't seem to be as popular).

there is no way of getting around it.

A few years back I bought a sega megadrive, I got it from a car boot sale, it didn't work. I lost out.

I met the guy, spoke to him, paid in cash and shook his hand, a lt more than you get on ebay, and i wasn't surprised when it didn't work, in fact I almost expected it not too.

there really are no guarantees... and no system of any online shop will create a workable guarantee that neither sellers nor buyers will fall foul of scammers, and they'll be investigated at length, fairly and impartially with compensation being paid. (and if they do the scammers will just scan the auction house site rather than the traders).

if you want a real guarantee like you'd get at a real shop, then chances are you might actually have to go to a real shop...

ebay has it's place, paypal has it's use, as do all the other ebay copies (like tazbar) and the various money moving organizations...

but so long as money will change hands, people will try to think of ways that they can make money illegitimately.

RIAA chief calls for copyright filters on PCs


ripping cd's to MP3 is leagal?

not the last time I checked. at least not in the UK...

so they don't need to filter out illegal MP3's

assuming that you can only buy DRM encrypted MP3s, then you simply report the use of all un-encrypted mp3's...

personally I break the law every time I buy a CD.

my CD buying process is,

buy CD,

go home,

CD > Computer,

tracks > Ripped to hard drive and the hard drive of my mp3 juke box for my car,


CD > shelf, never to be looked at again.

the spine of the inlay is cracked once, (assuming they've bothered to make one) and the inlay is perused in only the time it takes me to rip the CD...

so yes, I'm a pirate, and I break the law, even though I coughed up my money...

will I change? no.

will I get caught, unlikely, if this shite got pushed out to everyone I'd simply just have my ripping machine not online and running an old OS, and I wouldn't care about patching an unexposed system.
