IPTV is a great step forward
I am currently living in South Korea and have recently signed up to an ISP who provides landline, broadband and IPTV all for the equivalent of £20 a month. The landline has yet to be used but the broadband in fibre to the house 100Mbps and I usually get speeds above 70Mbps. The IPTV shares this bandwidth but makes very little difference to internet use, I have a full range of approx 150 live broadcast channels plus a huge library of content on demand both free and paid for. The broadcast channels include 10 or more HD feeds with full 5.1ch sound while a large amount of the on demand content is also HD.
When comparing this to Virgin Media from 2 years ago there is a world of difference, the service works well all the time, the video and sound quality are much better and the price is a fraction of the Virgin price.
All of this is possible due to Korea investing in infrastructure before it is needed instead of 10-15 years after. The UK government and business need to work together fast to improve things in the UK, in Korea this year the government decided they need to upgrade almost all of the broadband lines to 1Gbps by 2012, this I can actually see becoming a reality here as people will just get on with it instead of arguing about it.
Project canvas is a great idea but in the UK may not be possible for a long time due to bandwidth issues, the service needs to be reliable, easy to use and cheap but without a massive improvement in broadband standards this is simply not going to happen.