* Posts by Johnny Rotten

5 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Feb 2008

Australian man killed by suicide robot

Johnny Rotten

makes sense

it makes sense that early adopters would use robots to perform the most grisly of tasks in society.

It's food for thought. Anyone who commercializes robots with the ability to manipulate weapons will have to deal with the issues around them being used for negative purposes (suicide, murder, robbery).

On the other hand, it probably points out a good market. If it's okay to sell guns, I suppose there's nothing wrong with selling more intelligent weapons (robots with guns). I'm not sure if there are laws around remote control firing mechanisms. (although a trigger is remote control, depending on your point of view).

It's possible that the rise of the machines will come from individual citizens, as opposed to corporations or governments. ....gotta run, the bots are nagging


Google's riches rely on ads, algorithms, and worldwide confusion

Johnny Rotten

Google good cuz Microsoft bad

okay Google is good because Microsoft is bad.

But I actually like Microsoft products. I use them a lot. They get the job done as well as any other technology I use.

So where does that leave me. Am I just wrong/bad?

Oh well. I suck! Someday maybe I will get fixed and love the Google.

Google is probably also good cuz my dad beat me and Google doesn't!

Johnny Rotten

I didn't know Google was in the ad business.

Look, we all think Google is in the search business because we "google" stuff all day.

They are in the advertising business.

All their press is about search and other free/half-baked widgets.

All their business (ads) gets like no press coverage.

This is actually the first good article I've seen about Google's business.

It's like if we wrote about Ford and only talked about the radios in the car, and never talked about the cars it makes and sells.

Does any user every brag about how he loves using Google ads to find great stuff? All I ever read about, re the ads, is from the selling side, never from the "user side".

My take is that Google ads are for mostly crap..i.e. if you're selling crap you need to advertise a lot. Like there's a lot of viagra and porn and casino ads.

Aren't Google ads just another form of spam? Does anyone click on them and love it? Please respond if you do.

Students win appeal against cyberjihad convictions

Johnny Rotten

url please?

Can someone provide the url to download the jihadist materials?

I'm in a small town in Iowa and it's hard as hell to score some

good jihad smackdown.

I can hook you up with some good sites like one that says this

"Multi-discipline qualifications should include organizational level

conventional and unconventional war fighting tactics, operations, and

training. Demonstrated skills should include the proficient ability to

use Microsoft Office products."

really! no kidding.


Sun cheers Rock delays

Johnny Rotten

$285 million?

Is this a correct piece of info, that the Niagara systems

are just $285 million (I believe that is just "bookings" also)


I would think that for a company like SUN, a successful product line would

have at least $1b in bookings.

I mean, they only have so many product lines.