Bad Bad Bad
Just using myself as an example:
After moving it took an act of God to get out of our contracts w/o the early termination fee....(old service not available here)
Only 2 cell companies here and I don't like either company, us cellular and alltel.
Right now I'm also being somewhat of a tightwad, just don't feel like spending $80 per month on a stupid cell phone. It's really nice not being able to be found 24/7. Also I won't sign a 2 year contract we never did before.
And another point in my case. We ALWAYS had text messaging disabled on our accounts. We had some dirty spam messages come through so since then just had the service turned off. I don't even remember how to text. You know what? I like it that way. We actually visit with each other uninterrupted....
If you really have to poo or are sick I guess your just SOL???