Re: Friends & Family are all Tech Illiterate
It’s been many years since I could call myself technical but I always found “my rate is £35 an hour” (in late 1990s pounds) tended to act as a discouragement.
21 publicly visible posts • joined 1 Nov 2014
"Funny you say that, the Polish and Lithuanians I work with all voted out of the EU."
Funny you say that, as EU citizens were not given the vote in the referendum.
In which case they must have been naturalised citizens and thus British, or you're running your own special line of what, in the current parlance, is known as fake news.
We don't vote for a Prime Minister, that is the position awarded to a person nominated and elected by the MPs that we elected. I would hate to see a system where people pay £3 to be allowed to vote for a leader.
That's not true, the PM is typically the leader of the majority party in parliament. In both of the largest parties, the final decision on the leader is taken by the party membership. I understand that it costs a lot more than £3 to be a member of the Conservative party. Or was that your point? Only the wealthier should choose?
"Lets say they dedicate 6 officers to cover always having 2 staking it out at any one time on 8 hour shifts,"
You're looking at 10 people just to cover working hours for two full time posts 24/7/365 on 8 hour shifts and that's before you allow for sickness and training, so probably closer to 12. Though it still doesn't get close to £11M.
"It would be ridiculously easy to stop bots from buying tickets from a web site, a simple captcha would probably suffice. I wonder why they don't bother"
Not even remotely sufficient. There's a great freakonomics podcast on the topic of ticket touts.