* Posts by DavetheRave

8 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Feb 2008

Set-top box modders sent to prison


@Chad H.

Quote - If noone paid for them, they'd stop existing.

Nope, if no one paid for them they'd stop charging as much!

11-year-old Sun mascot beats up NetApp

Paris Hilton


Can someone reveal the relevance of this articles title? Be gentle lol

P.S. Paris, coz she probably knows this answer!

Grand Theft Auto 4 queue man stabbed in head

Jobs Horns

Whats that word?


Pirate Bay-probing cop on Warner Brothers payroll

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No, my argument boils down to the fact that I get paid shit wages, get no pay rise without having to go on strike (then presumably loose) and to top it off - movie and music companies try to rip me off with extortionate prices and false advertising, i.e. saying something is superb and when you go to view or listen to it, it is CRAP!

So I feel fully justified to download these items. Also, I am not going to punish myself because I am poor. I enjoy listening to music and watching films too!

Besides, it's all relative! There ain't much else to do in this fake little society we have built around ourselves.

Students win appeal against cyberjihad convictions


@heystoopid - Here Here

Well said!

Paris Hilton

@Matt Bryant

Hey Matt

Maybe you should join me at the library? Incase you haven't noticed the Labour Party hierarchy has been hijacked by centre right elitists who push corporatist/big business fascist neo-liberal policies. They are not representative of Labour's grass roots and hence the reason that grass root activists are pushing for Unions to separate from the party. The funds would then be used to finance a party which is representative. Unlike the plutocratic regime currently in charge who have continued to implement Thatcherite policies, allowing the wealthy to exploit and prosper, while most struggle to purchase an extra loaf in their weekly shopping budget. And this is set to get much worse.

Paris - For attempting to belittle and demonstrating that you truely have lesser intelligence than this obscenely rich biatch!


Fascists lose another battle....

Thank goodness for this verdict. It's good to see that Britain's law lords still clearly respect some form of liberty.

How long would it be before government and the Intelligence Services start hassling and jailing others for anti-establishment views and dissent. Left wingers were most likely next in this right wing crusade for political, physical and mental subservience.

Brown plans to admit wiretap evidence in court

Jobs Horns

@Graham Marsden

I wouldn't think it would be difficult to falsify audio recordings. It's not like it wouldn't be beneath our intelligence services to do such a thing either!