CP Poster Child
It hurts my brain to think of the number of times CP is held up as the justification for govt to do whatever the hell they want
how about instead of enforcing $AU11000 /day fines on the hosting company if they dont remove a link to banned content - whatever it may be - actually do some law enforcement.
removing a link to genuine CP wont prevent that child from being abused. do some goddamned police work and catch the f***ers.
maybe its too much work - much easier to ban the link.
dont worry about what one whirlpool user referred to as 'internet censorship scope creep' where you move from banning images (and links to images) of late term abortions to banning wikileaks (and links to wikileaks) because they publish the website blacklist of another country.
that looks like distinct scope creep from RC to political
please someone think of the children and hack the ACMA site, put this link (objectionable content):
on their front page then submit the ACMA website to the blacklist for hosting a link to objectionable content.
i hear the AFP black choppers now - i need to move to europe.