Re: Eh?
There's nothing to preclude fossil fuel companies from using ISDS to challenge a government’s ability to ban or limit energy extraction as a way of addressing climate change and other ecological risks, although there is a special opt out for countries that don't want to be sued by tobacco companies - which led the way in developing the propaganda techniques used by the fossil fuel companies. The fact that the TPP authors think that the default option of a country allowing itself to be sued by a tobacco company is OK reveals much about what they've been up to.
The provisions allowing drug makers to avoid competition from generic drugs, even after the original patent expires, can only make medicines more expensive.
Ludicrously, it contains a separate agreement with Vietnam that would create a right to unionize and go on strike in the country for the first time, and the U.S. could withhold trade privileges if the accord is not implemented after five years. That from a country which effectively destroyed its own right to unionize!
There's sure to be more nasties hidden in that woodwork to be revealed, now that it's been made public.