* Posts by Thought About IT

413 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Feb 2008


Scariest climate change prediction yet: More time to eat plane food

Thought About IT

Re: False premise leads to false results

"It's not a conspiracy, it's skepticism. It's looking at the data provided and finding it lacking."

When over 97% of those qualified to study the evidence find it compelling, only a conspiracy theory explains your so-called scepticism.

Thought About IT

Re: False premise leads to false results

"Boffins" can predict all they like, but no evidence will change the mind of those who are convinced AGW is a conspiracy. Some "boffins" even calculated that, given the number of scientists involved, such a conspiracy would fall apart after 3.5 years at most, but conspiracy theorists are immune to evidence.

TalkTalk admits losing £60m and 101,000 customers after THAT hack

Thought About IT

Funny way to say sorry

According to an article in the Guardian, TalkTalk offered its 4 million customers a free mobile sim worth £5 a month to say sorry, and then charged for it!

Only TalkTalk could charge for saying ‘sorry’.

Having said that, my Internet connection is with TalkTalk Business, and I have no complaints about them.

Google UK coughs up £130m back taxes. Is it enough?

Thought About IT

Re: it is deficiencies in the tax laws

The other problem with it being a deficiency in the tax laws is that google has spent more than this tax payment lobbying for taxation and laws that are favourable to it. These mega corporations own the politicians.

The last time Earth was this hot hippos lived in Britain (that’s 130,000 years ago)

Thought About IT

@ Preston Munchensonton

"You should try taking your rose-colored glasses off. No one can say that climate science isn't really now climate politics."

Are you really ignorant of the deliberate plan to politicise climate science by propagandists funded by the fossil fuel industries? They reasoned that all they needed to do to maintain their profitability was to delay action to cut greenhouse gas emissions by making it politically impossible. As is all too evident, they've been very successful.

French say 'Non, merci' to encryption backdoors

Thought About IT

That assumes politicians even seek out expert evidence. Owen Paterson, for example, reputedly refused to read any document from his advisers containing the words "climate change" or "global warming", when he was Environment Secretary. Cameron is perhaps the exception on that subject, in that he listened to advice on what he needed to say to get elected, resulting in the ironic slogans "vote blue, go green" and the "greenest government ever"! Mind you, his idea of an expert adviser is a spin doctor.

GCHQ mass spying will 'cost lives in Britain,' warns ex-NSA tech chief

Thought About IT

Re: Gosh, a voice of reason speaking to our government!

The power that mass surveillance gives to the spooks and select members of the government makes it highly unlikely that they will take any notice of any evidence of its ineffectiveness against terrorists.

The Register's entirely serious New Year's resolutions for 2016

Thought About IT

Re: Loose?

Should of, shirley.

Thought About IT

Re: Page and Worstall "moved on" in the Autumn, right?

Getting rid of Page was something El Reg had to do, if it was to retain any credibility. He was using it to push his ideological agenda about climate change, which was ludicrously anti-science and completely undermined every other science or technology based article which was published here.

As part of your New Year's resolution, I hope you give that issue a wide berth.

Upset Microsoft stashes hard drive encryption keys in OneDrive cloud?

Thought About IT

Re: How dare you...

... not credit The Intercept for this article.

Windows 10 won't come to old WinPhones until some time in early 2016

Thought About IT

Re: For about one in fifty ?

I much prefer the user interface on my Lumia 925 with 8.1 to the Androids and iPhones which preceded it. Sure, there aren't many apps for it, but the ones I need are there. However, I'll be just as pleased if MS never get around to forcing Windows 10 on it, as that messes up the UI.

Sneaky Microsoft renamed its data slurper before sticking it back in Windows 10

Thought About IT

Re: Can't find it?

I've just disabled it on the same Windows 10 version as you. I had previously turned off all spying options so am not at all happy that MS is using their update service to override my preferences.

Blocking out the Sun won't fix climate change – but it could buy us time

Thought About IT

Re: Optimism! Reg commenters wise up ...

If Lewis Page has gone, as mentioned in a comment above, perhaps his agenda went with him. After all, it was undermining everything else The Register does.

Thought About IT

Re: Remind me why cold is good and warm is bad?

"No. A denier is a measure of the fineness of certain fabrics"

It may surprise you to read this, but some words in the English language have more than one meaning!

Thought About IT

Re: Remind me why cold is good and warm is bad?

"If our choice is things warming up and some low-level land getting flooded" - Valerion

It isn't. Our choice is drastically cutting CO2 emissions, which the fossil fuel industries are strenuously lobbying to prevent, or changing the climate from the relatively benign one during which human society has evolved, to one of extremes of weather and sea level rises which we won't be able to control control.

"Also need to say that "deniers" and "believers" are not scientific words, so I don't know why they get used in scientific debate."

A denier is someone who denies something despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. It doesn't have to be scientific evidence, but clearly is in the case of AGW deniers such as yourself.

Thought About IT

Re: Cool the Core

"Most of the CO2 put into the atmosphere is natural, from volcanoes which are mostly under the ocean, so the green campaigners do not see them."

Why did you make that up?

France's 3-month state of emergency lets govt censor the web

Thought About IT

Re: They had this ready?

It doesn't have to be a political party. The security services could have presented this as a fait accompli to incompetent politicians.

Microsoft Windows Mobile 10: Uphill battle with 'work in progress'

Thought About IT

Re: Oh dear

Too many cooks working to different strategies?

How to build a city fit for 50℃ heatwaves

Thought About IT

Re: This isn't a really difficult problem

An easier solution is to accept what the science says about the effect of our greenhouse gas emissions, and curtail them as quickly as we can. Leaving fossil fuels in the ground is going to be much cheaper than any technological solution to clean up the mess afterwards.

Thought About IT

Re: Green Loons

You don't want to believe everything Lewis writes!

TPP: 'Scary' US-Pacific trade deal published – you're going to freak out when you read it

Thought About IT

Re: Eh?

There's nothing to preclude fossil fuel companies from using ISDS to challenge a government’s ability to ban or limit energy extraction as a way of addressing climate change and other ecological risks, although there is a special opt out for countries that don't want to be sued by tobacco companies - which led the way in developing the propaganda techniques used by the fossil fuel companies. The fact that the TPP authors think that the default option of a country allowing itself to be sued by a tobacco company is OK reveals much about what they've been up to.

The provisions allowing drug makers to avoid competition from generic drugs, even after the original patent expires, can only make medicines more expensive.

Ludicrously, it contains a separate agreement with Vietnam that would create a right to unionize and go on strike in the country for the first time, and the U.S. could withhold trade privileges if the accord is not implemented after five years. That from a country which effectively destroyed its own right to unionize!

There's sure to be more nasties hidden in that woodwork to be revealed, now that it's been made public.

LG uses sucky logic to force Dyson admission its vacuums suck badly

Thought About IT

Re: Sucked in, bad

Dyson would be better off claiming they make the noisiest vacuum cleaners. Nobody's going to take them to court for that!

We applied to Google's €150m journalism fund – here's what we sent in

Thought About IT

Pot meet kettle

I hope the irony of complaining about google pushing its agenda to the detriment of all else isn't lost on Page and Orlowski. Their anti-science agenda devalues all else they do here.

Euro privacy warriors: You've got until January to fix safe harbor mess – or we unleash hell

Thought About IT

Re: One small problem with all this....

"transfers to third countries where the powers of state authorities to access information go beyond what is necessary in a democratic society will not be considered as safe destinations for transfers."

So, that will affect any business wanting to store its data in the UK where GCHQ is a subcontractor of the NSA.

On its way: A Google-free, NSA-free IT infrastructure for Europe

Thought About IT

With GCHQ acting as a subcontractor of the NSA, won't the Yanks get our data anyway?

BBC joins war against Flash, launches beta HTML5 iPlayer

Thought About IT

What about smart TVs?

The current implementation of iPlayer works fine on my Samsung smart TV. Is this change likely to break it?

Tits and ads: Malware-riddled banners stiff X-rated websites

Thought About IT

I thought sites could pay Adblock to allow advertisements through. That's why I use uBlock Origin.

Ballmer's billion-dollar blunders: When he gambled Microsoft's money and lost

Thought About IT

Re: Sigh

Visual Studio's got to count as a market leading success - even if the market is small.

Spamquake subsides: less than half of email is now processed pork

Thought About IT

I wish ...

The volume of spam going through my mail server is still over 90%, so I'm dubious about their statistical methods.

Flash HOLED AGAIN TWICE below waterline in fresh Hacking Team reveals

Thought About IT

Enable click to play?

"Everyone with Flash installed should remove or disable the software until the critical security bug is patched, or at least enable "click to play" in their browsers"

How does one enable click to play?

Will rising CO2 damage the world's oceans? Not so much

Thought About IT

Re: Limestone

No, because that happens over geological timescales, while we're pumping CO2 out at an ever increasing rate now.

Who wants a classic ThinkPad with whizzy new hardware? Lenovo would just love to know

Thought About IT

Re: @Gritzwally Philbin, re Thinkpads.

"Lenovo ThinkPads have since given up the Nipple Mouse in favor of track pads"

Maybe that's why, every time I reboot my X220, the trackpad enables itself again. If Lenovo don't produce something as good soon, I hope it survives the upgrade to Windows 10!

That shot you heard? SSLv3 is now DEAD

Thought About IT

You can add PayPal's email servers to that list.

Climate change alarmism is a religious belief – it's official

Thought About IT

"Look at Lewis' previous rants diatribes tirades articles on the subject and it may become a little clearer..."

Judging by the downvotes, even that simple statement of fact is contentious in this context. Those who downvoted should ask themselves if any evidence would convince them that humans are changing the climate due to their greenhouse gas emissions.

Thought About IT

Re: Ha!

"For that I will wait for science."

You go far beyond scepticism if you think you still have to wait for the science!

Thought About IT

Debate is over?

"For anyone else, maybe not so much."

That speaks to the success of the propaganda campaign run by the fossil fuel industries and those ideologically opposed to the implications of our greenhouse gas emissions affecting the climate. It obviously didn't influence the Pope though.

Wikipedia to go all HTTPS, all the time

Thought About IT


I just finished watching the first season of Breaking Bad at the weekend and wanted to check what it said about ricin. Then I thought, what if the spooks think I'm planning to murder someone? The insidious process of self-censorship has started. Anyway, I tried sticking https in Wikipedia's URL and it worked, so I carried on and looked up ricin and even followed the link to lily of the valley. Nothing to hide? Sure, but nothing to fear ...

Google: Our self-driving cars would be tip-top if you meatheads didn’t crash into them

Thought About IT


"One cyclist veered in front of the car at night, and the software was clever enough to stop immediately to avoid a crash."

I should bloody well hope so! That's the very least capability a self-driving car must have.

The 'echo chamber' effect misleading people on climate change

Thought About IT

Words mean just what Lewis chooses them to mean

FFS, why does Lewis keep peddling this nonsense? It makes The Register look ridiculous.

Skype hauled into court after refusing to hand call records to cops

Thought About IT


Hmmm, I thought Rupert Murdoch was fully supportive of mass surveillance.

Or am I confusing Sky and Skype?

Look out, law abiding folk: UK’s Counter-Extremism Bill slithers into view

Thought About IT

One party state

When you look at the new government's priorities for the first 100 days, a pattern emerges:

Reintroduce the Snooper's charter & suppress free speech.

Repeal the European Court of Human Rights act.

Reduce trade unions' right to strike.

Threaten the BBC to toe the line or lose the license fee.

Gerrymander constituency boundaries - worth 20 seats - to make sure they win the next election.

One party state, anyone?

Mozilla to whack HTTP sites with feature-ban stick

Thought About IT

Re: Action. Counteraction.

Before even thinking about this, Mozilla ought to fix Firefox so that it can communicate through a non-standard port with a secure server (ie. not supporting SSLv3), rather than giving up with "Cannot communicate securely with peer: no common encryption algorithm(s). (Error code: ssl_error_no_cypher_overlap)"! As it is, I have to resort to using IE to configure WHM/cPanel.

Is Grant Shapps being naughty on Wikipedia – or did a Lib Dem stitch him up?

Thought About IT

Re: "the unchecked allegation of a Wikipedia administrator"

Surprised to get voted down for that, in a forum where everybody must have heard of wi-fi! Was that you Contribsx?

Thought About IT

Re: "the unchecked allegation of a Wikipedia administrator"

Shapps credibility wasn't helped when he said that you only needed to look at his diary to see that he was elsewhere when the edits were made. That from a man who made his fortune out of the Internet!

Barclays, Halifax and Tesco still being gnawed by POODLE

Thought About IT

Don't let PayPal off the hook!

PayPal's email servers won't communicate with TLS protocols; they're still on SSLv3.

FT and Guardian eagerly grab Google's 30 pieces of silver

Thought About IT

Good journalism has to be paid for

Given the stories which the Guardian has pursued, such as phone hacking, and the Snowden leaks, and the parlous state of its finances, I don't mind if it does accept Google's silver.

Kaspersky Lab hits back at Bloomberg's Russian spy link hit piece

Thought About IT

Re: "You can trust US", says Uncle Sam - yeah, right!

"Of course US are good guys compared to Russia. You really do not see the difference between democracy and a post-communist mafia-style country?"

The US is a corporatocracy where corporations buy politicians to represent their interests. Not that different from fascism.

Thought About IT

Re: Be careful with that ax, Eugene

"many readers regard the whole "no smoke without fire" style of rumour-mongering a dirty trick"

For evidence to the contrary, you just have to look back at comments on articles here about climate change. Clear proof that spreading FUD about science has been very effective.

This insidious tactic against Kapersky Labs will quickly undermine them.

US threatened Berlin with intel blackout over Snowden asylum: report

Thought About IT

Fair trial

I think he wants a trial by jury, rather than one held in secret which has been stitched up in advance. The US government has refused.

Massive DDoS racks up $30,000-a-day Amazon bill for China activists

Thought About IT

Chinese puzzle

At least greatfile.org know why it's happening. My server just hosts my software for free download and subsequent sale, but last year Chinese sites were downloading the same files all day, every day, until I throttled them. During the past couple of weeks, it's been subjected to a pirate bay attack, at a low enough level to be manageable with firewall tweaks. There have always been occasional attempts to break in from different countries, but this prolonged attack from China is quite disconcerting, as there's no obvious reason for it.
