On fibre copper mix
I get 140Mb/s down 20Mb/s up on BT landline day or night. It's probably overkill. Some of the stories here are horrific.
132 publicly visible posts • joined 16 May 2008
This seems to come up regularly and like previous occasions is not worth worrying about. W7 blue screens on my favoutrite game CIV2 hence not fit for purpose. W8 looks like pants. XP just runs.
MS support - What's that exactly?
Touchscreens no thanks.
XP will be around for a long time yet. because most new technology is not really needed on existing desktops/laptops. Modern stuff uses a whole variety of gadgets like phones/non upgradable tablets, smart TV's etc.
I suspect they don't know when it will be sorted. I haven't looked at the wife's account yet all Iknow is it stopped working she mainly uses it for shopping. Mine's sorted in the main everything back in gmail and I've notified and changed all important sites like paypal to the new address. Next will be giving sky the boot on broadband, phone and anything TV related that my wife doesn't watch - I'll have to look at the contracts and judge when practical.
To qoute their reason for change 'the product no longer matches my requirements'.
The only deleted downloads I got were those deleted via thunderbird. All the ones I massacred last week in preparation were deleted via webmail and those have gone ie not resent. I do have copies of everything before I started. Which manual is this covered in? Most of the people using accounts usually use something like windows mail supplied with the computer they have. One poor sod had 30K emails re-sent. Oh and it was using imap on gmail go figure!
In the last 48 hours I've moved everything back to gmail and sent informed most people I deal with of the new mailbox. Sky internet and phone will be toast. I can live without the aggravation. Sky want to cut costs well snap they've just given me the incentive to do it. I also have infinity and yahoo which just reports telephone bill arrivals in the main - Yahoo is pants. Every mail service provider ISP or not has issues but being retired I prefer a freebie and don't want to have to back up stuff that is better off in the cloud. gmail with thunderbird is fine and if I really want a 'failsafe' backup just copy the whole profile to another disk or stick. Oh and I did know about it set up thunderbird and archived everything before these clowns started.
Yes I still run it does all I want why change? There does seem to be a fundamental flaw in touch screen thinking. Who would use it outside the tablet/phone market? I have 2 28" screens that allow me to sit feet away and work why would I want to put grubby fingure marks on the screen - it's nonsense. The mouse and keyboard are fit for purpose and cheap to replace - how much is a touch screen?
I have a relation who works in the health service and huge touch screens installed on wards have been a disaster - cost a mint nobody uses them. They're probably bug infested anyway.
I was born not far from Burnley bavk in 46 and use to go to football matches there in the late fifties. Travelling over the hills the complete valley was visible and this was heavy smog now it's clear of that kind of pollution. The Chinese need to do the same thing.
Odd I managed with maps for most of my life. You actually use landmarks for positioning - go figure! GPS would have been handy in thick fog on some army exercises but I wouldn't trust any electronic stuff in mountain areas that could definitely lead to a "dead end".
I'm still using XP it works why fix it. When I say it works that means it runs everything required. I run Linux for other stuff although I'm not keen on Ubuntu's latest offering. That reminds me I must dust my XP laptop off for the hols it's the only time it gets used even then I throw a screen, keyboard and mouse in. Only idiots buy pads or touch screens who needs loads of mucky fingers all over what they're looking at?
I'm not a fan of either since I own neither a smartphone or a pad. and build my own PCs. The phones I have are cheap and cheerful and go a long time between charges. Of course this case was biased why do you think the judge put the date back? It's called damage limitation both for herself and pressure from above to try to work out a deal before the inevitable consequences of revenge for US protectionism.
"Having said that, I suggest not downloading porn. It damages your chances of actually having sex, never mind a long-term relationship, and it greatly increases the likelihood of your computer catching something nasty."
Could you expand on this flight of fancy.?
I'm not sure an email is a document. I've sent many over the years discussing plans , brain-storming ideas etc which were never pursued. There is also a big heap of other interface work in progress. My company carried a document store for anything official since it is central and the contents can be accessed by anybody with priviledges. An email is little different to a letter or conversation.
So you want to equate anyone who disagrees with you as a holocaust denier. How typical of the brood of unsavoury people that now call themselves scientists. Academics have always been like little kids must be because they never left school. if you want to talk to people in the real world grow the f*** up. The public just don't believe you especially after climategate. Oh and that bigwig tosser in the IPCC who predicted the Himalayan glaciers gone in 10 minutes. If anything is happening in reality then it will happen until it gets bad enough to notice not because of some model. This scam is great for taxation and companies charging more for less but crap for the old and infirm who can no longer afford to heat their homes which oddly don't seem to be any warmer. Perhaps the "audio impaired" should invite some of the climate junkies round and let them spout more 'hot air' to warm the place up.
Here we go again yet another round of drip fed crap. Every other day some other subsidised idiot comes in with a story on how the sky is falling. Get a photo of the polar bear/penguin while you can they'll be gone before you can blink - yeah right. Just like the Himalayan glaciers! Oh and the sea level rise odd I can walk the same distance at low tide even 20 years after Gore's alarmist innundation video.
So why haven't sea levels changed much? I think I'd notice if they were metres higher. The weather is similar to that experienced throughout my life and I'm now retired. Oh and pollution is a lot smaller than it was in the fifties and sixties except the output from cars particularily in cities.
I don't buy it or download it. The stuff they sell is manipulative trash. I have no movies or sound tracks on my system but the odd thing is I can watch or listen to this stuff on youtube . Why do they attack what must be a very small arena of techies using Usenet who will run rings round their legal block. Maybe it's because it's a soft target blocking youtube would cause major repercussions. Piracy is impossible to prevent so it has to be lived with whatever the morality.
Don't use IE except on the rare occasions when I needed to re-download chrome. I'm waiting for the first mega cluster F where a silent update kills or severely disables boxes worldwide: It isn't like MS have a perfect record. I don't use firefox since it's such a memory hog. I use to but chrome meets my needs. Windows XP OK for games but these days little else and it will run most older games. I might just disable the network period and just use XP for that.
Why is one of those water based asteroids going to hit us? I keep going to Cornwall and the sea level don't vary much. Oh enlightened one tell me how you measure the sea level? Land is constantly rising or falling the ocean floor has heaps of volcanoes and is also in flux. Your other comments are not worth discussing.
I haven't much local use for anything that is not a desktop. 28 inch screen can do multiple thinks at once; don't need a magnifying glass and if it goes wrong can replace the bits easily. Even when I go on holiday with a laptop I use a separate screen keyboard and mouse Oh and a photo printer. Laptops tablets and phones have one major weakness - they use batteries which won't last the day out. I thought dem pads were for people watching a minature Paris in the small room whilst getting a good grip of the essentials. I've heard they have crap cameras front and back - the mind boggles!
Sure you would but they ignore the effects that don't suit them. There is a massive difference between modelling something against measuring actuals. I know which I believe. This is just like theoretical physics mostly junk built by mathematical jiggery-pokery. However nobody is taxing me (Energy or otherwise) to support the big bang multiverses and the like.
Can I have a fiver for everything AGW fundies ignore - Oh and no not the white ones.
The Sun is neither constant or predictable. That's what really get's me about so called climate scientists they only read the research they think supports their case. The Sun produces a massive amount of power across the full radiative spectrum plus magnetic and electrical effects. It also has its own little wobble (SIM) which derives from solar system gravitational effects. If it's all so predictable tell me when and in what direction the next three sloar flares are going to occur.