This article is crap
and designed strictly to elicit emotion from the reader. I'm sorry if you're feeling the effects of a long weekend but that's no reason to write this kind of tripe.
22 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Apr 2007
You know what's wrong with the medical trade these days? I do. Too many $3.00 words. Who in the hell can pronounce the things in that article? It shouldn't take a Dr. to tell you that you are fucked if you start bleeding green. Hell, let me have a cut at you and I can tell you instantly if you suffer from sumafuckingthing. I hate Dr's and their words me fuck all to me.
I will die like a viking; drunk, STD infected, and stuck on a sword (or other suitable sharp object). Live Forever, Die Today!
Why did these rubes even bother with this report? The military traditionally handles these matters, and the governments of most neighboring and distant countries already have detailed plans for destroying any and everything any and everywhere. Engineering geeks picking out weapons from a catalog and creating strategies based on vendor proclamations is a gloriously bad idea.
Not to get on a soapbox but that's how the mess in Afghanistan and Iraq has gotten so cocked up; people with absolutely no idea about what they are talking about making decisions. If you feel the need to blow things up, that's OK, but make the decision and let the military handle the blowing up. Somehow I doubt the tools who wrote this report would be comfortable with 'Officer Cadet Winston' designing and deploying nuclear weapons.
I don't see what all the hubbub is about. Any "reference" source is only valid until somebody with a big brain and a lot of letters after their name disputes it. Happens all the time but we of few or no letters aren't privileged enough to see it. Any article in Nature or Science is debated hotly prior to publication then it gets really nasty. Letters fly around in super niche publications refuting the original publication and calling it total crap. No body ever knows who is really right. Publication = right in today's world. Ye muppets have decided that if it's printed is true. Just because Wikipedia brings traditional scholarly conflict into the public eye does not invalidate it. (some of their controls and process are questionable for sure but the fact that "scholarly debate" is moving into the public realm is a good thing)
I feel sorry for Microsoft. The IT industry as we know it today (you know,where our paychecks come from...) would not exist if MS weren't around. Everyone likes to point out the problems with MS but then the company posts record results. My favorite are when tech people make financial assessments of the company (i.e. It doesn't look like Microsoft's performance is plateauing, or like they are in trouble, or that they are losing market share to open source. Open Source, "Web 2.0", and all that stuff seem to be just so much smoke.
by keyboards for consoles. The only reason the keyboards and mice (arguably not the best input device) haven't been huge in consoles is that many manufacturers fear, rightly, that if consoles are too powerful and too PC like people will purchase them instead of PC's.
Consoles work better, the visuals are better, they are smaller, don't require specialized viewing devices (monitors), and you can pick one up and carry it around without having to call an electrician to unhook it. As soon as someone gets an Office Suite to run on a console PC's are doomed. Doomed I say, doomed.
Rules, financial mgmt decision, etc... aside there is an easy solution to dealing with banks. Pay cash. Not only does this remove the woes of dealing with bank fees; you actually save ~18% annually by paying for everything in cash. It is absolutely legal and there are no services denied to you by paying cash; it's just sort of inconvenient.
While I don't like "unfair" bank fees either, it is still the customers decision to use the banks services and agree to their terms; you are paying for convenience and just like any other convenience service, it costs extra.
Of course the cost of patent litigation is passed on to the user. As are the costs of sales, marketing, R&D, office prostitutes, etc.... Isn't that how business is supposed to work? It'd be sort of hard to stay in business if the costs of doing business weren't passed on to the customer. I hope the people that put this study together have more important "discoveries" forthcoming.
It's for the best the the service is down. Now all those people who are too engrossed in messaging on their blackberries can get back to work. God forbid the sales and development pukes had to go into the office or use a regular PC.
Those unable to cope with the outage will be executed.
The subject of BI has turned into pure BS. New terms have replaced old ones but the underlying meaning is absolutely the same. A long time ago, in a galaxy not so far away senior management were always dependent on knowing as much about their business as possible; in those days the process was simply called "reporting". Other than the name BI is nothing new; the fact people are acting as if it's the greatest discovery of the century is funny.
The biggest challenge with BI is the attitudes of technical staff who do not understand business reporting and who are frustrated dealing with integration issues; the techies don't seem to realize that their paychecks are 100% based on the decisions management makes using BI. There is no reason for BI vendors to market to the tech crowd as they will have to deal with the system regardless of it's technical merits.
I would never want to depend on a k-bar. It is most certainly not a "good knife". Its biggest selling point for its users (military) is the fact that it's made of crappy metal and is easy to manufacture. A bit of research into the manufacturers websites will illuminate this. Everybody likes it because it's a cheap piece of crap that can be cheaply replaced when it fails.