Interesting to see fishing re-branded as 'lead generation' and automated searching of your email content distinguished from 'reading' it. Either the ISC is unable to make these associations or it is studiously avoiding doing so.
7 publicly visible posts • joined 29 Jan 2008
Perot had first crack and failed. Now it should be the Rhino's turn - Perot, unarmed, tied to a tree and drenched in rival male rhino pee.
What is it with these scumbags? They get some kind of small-minded kick out of destroying a majectic wild creature from a position of absolute safety with high velocity ordinance. Brave, very brave indeed.
Apparently, it really pisses off the Hubbardistas when their way-dodgy modus operandi is exposed to the rational.
You couldn't make it up. Well, actually you could - Ron Hubbard did just that.
Religion my @rse.