We need the FCC involved.
People don't understand that this is an attempt to protect ISP customers from the unregulated rules of the ISPs.
Without these rules the company down the street can buy 60% of the bandwidth leaving everyone in your small town to share the remaining %40 because the ISP doesn't want to cut into their profits to lay down more lines. (under these rules everyone's traffic is equal, and if they want to sell a quality of service they have to invest in expanding the bandwidth for everyone)
Without these rules there is nothing to keep every ISP between a small upstart and their customers from throttling their traffic unless they give them a cut. (or Facebook, imagine Facebook being charged for the bandwidth you are already paying for or else they get blocked from sending it to you)
Without these rules there is nothing that says they even have to give that small upstart a chance to pay, they could just block their competing services outright.
Without these rules there is nothing that would keep the ISPs from throttling or outright blocking any kind of traffic that they don't like. The ISP is not a government agency and can do what they like without rules. (and if there is only one ISP in your area then I guess you don't really have a choice)
Without rules the ISPs will continue to merge until we have only one choice, and then your internet will be in whatever shape they choose for you. (They only merely collude to give you one choice now by not "expanding" into areas controlled by each other)
Without rules there will be no reason to ever expand bandwidth (aka cutting into profits), because whatever the bandwidth is now can simply be cut up into smaller and smaller packages, and once bandwidth is scarce they can charge whatever they want)
People are fighting against their own best interests because they are scared of "the gubberment", but they don't realize that at least in FCC government control they have a chance to have decisions made in their best interests, but in private hands, the choice legally will have to be whatever makes the ISP more money. (it is the legal requirement for a company to make decisions in the best interest of shareholders over customers in all cases)
Why can't people understand this?