Smedly can burn in hell
For what he did to my SWG, and yes im STILL bitter /sniff
94 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Jan 2008
"Do I think the industry would do better in full streaming, watch on demand mode? Probably. Structure the season with Release date/times for episodes that resembles the current programming schedule and I think they could make it work. But they aren't ready to make that move yet."
They will probably have to be drawn kicking and screaming of that i have no doubt, but a few years ago a program would be available via torrent say within the week or a few days, this led to things like iplayer becoming developed, these days you have programs captured and available for HD streaming within a few hours, this has now led to site like cruncyrolll who now do simucasts an hour after air from a wide range of programs for premium users , think its a fiver a month but free with ads the following week, sites like rooster teeth have something similar for there shows like RWBY etc where its available a few hours for free users, the move has already been made in some areas.
The number of streaming options and alternatives to passive video consumption that exist to already, means i don't think ive watched a live transmitted program bar major news story at all so far this year, Even news is mostly via a browser etc, the Virgin Tivo hardly is ever turned on and even then its mostly for iplayer or Netflix watching, with niche programming available via alternatives, EG crunchyroll, combined with a Chrome-cast and tablet allows Sofa viewing of almost anything.
I have no interest in anything on commercial channels anymore, the only ads i see are YouTube adds which i can skip in a few seconds, I also cannot see another license fee being renewed and an iplayer sub ala Netflix seems the only way forward for the BBC. I can still see the traditional season and weekly release of program episodes rather than the dumping of entire series on a release date, with various levels of streaming ad supported for free viewers etc. Content makers needs to allow global release of their shows via one or other of these means, this would give them maximum revenue and exposure for their product. in some areas this is already happening via various ways, national broadcasters and restrictions are disappearing, and global media has already started.
Made a few mistakes got one char to 12 one to 7 and another to 3, very pretty world and interesting PVP tho it was laggy during the test.
Haven't been in an mmo since vanguard launched, dabbled in f2p crap but it always ended up costing something.
But this is looking very good and plays very well on my existing hardware 560 1gb + decent CPU and ram, so alls looking good its defiantly in the possible bracket for me atm, and the next beta will decide it for me, as i tend to play games for a while was in SWG (yes pre CU and NGE and yes it still hurts) for 2.5 years
Exactly my concern how long before self selecting your self onto the "pervert" list is seen as suspicious and deemed abnormal.
Watch for the points in news bulletins and newspapers, where every nasty things that happens a "person had access to unfiltered Internet" comment will be made and down the slope we shall slide.
Papers Please!!
HG Wells’ War of the Worlds, were really updates of the Western genre.
I must have missed the western with huge metal tripods, and an educated man going through what looks like to him, the extermination of mankind.
Never saw that on bonanza!
/sorry my fav book of all time, western pah!
Got this for the boy for xmas with his ps3, played it with him and the cutsceans have just the right amount of comedy and he loves it, made him want to watch the films which luck would have it CH4 have shown and are on the tivo box, watching in 1 hour chunks as hes only 7.
Also 65 quid for that joypad!! erk.
1) GPU are better at these types of calculations maths/simulation, a CPU has to cope with a lot wider range of number crunching.
2) you dont, this is like leaving an older GPU in your system and setting it in the control panel to be used for Cuda/Co Prosessing, you can do it and not have a monitor attached.
...6 months in and it still does eveything i need, so more cpu and a slightly better screen, both of witch im satified with atm, hmmm dosnt scream at me to update guess ill see what Note 3 is like towards the end of contract, that said nice evolution and it does seem to iron out a few niggles will be interesting where they take it from here and what software features they will dribble back to the original.
... Title says it all really, the comments are what makes the site, and it didnt take that much space.
Whos bright idea was this neways, i sense to many fizzy pops while drawing up this idea, obviously dosnt use the site from a readers perspective.
The reg's unique selling point has been buried.
.... is that these shows are the down fall of civilisation, and should all be banned, they must drop the colective IQ of kids by at least 20-30 points, and show that as long as you self obsessed you can do what ever you want.
Everyone involved in making this type of program should kill themselves.
The only reason i still use windows is games, tried dual booting but cant get used to it, i used to run a virtualbox Ubuntu desktop to sit on top or secondary screen but to much swapping about i just plumped for windows, if steam pulls this off, it may just be the break point needed. Now if EA do the same with Origin, then the writing will be on the wall for windows gaming.
It is funny the shine on the apple is starting to fade, and not just in the mobile world either, a lot of people that have gulped the hype down for years are starting to realize that apple are just a company that makes products with just as many flaws as any other company, and not a way of life. There still seen as a status symbol for middle and upper management types but a lot of the ordinary folk who have now been trained by apple are looking around at the options available to them, and they are selecting the best from the alternatives Samsung, HTC and Motorola. nokia has lost the ball so much it’s sad.
Id say the galaxy note released last year wasnt half assed, i was tempted to wait for the S3 but having used my note for a couple of months it fits the bill just right for me and it still has a larger screen than the s3, and as i get used to it even the spen is starting to get regular use.
I recently upgraded to the Galaxy note on the Unlimited internet 1000 plan, so i have unlimited internet, i think your thinking about the One plan that had teathering included and was when i looked just 5 quid a month more so decided against that plan, noticed this has come down to just quid difference may change across.