* Posts by barnaby

3 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Jan 2008

Wisemen bring Jesus Phone (free) cut-and-paste


Copy and Paste on N95 (and other s60)`

here is a youtube video showing how to do it


just copy and paste it into your browser

So, what can you photograph?


Copy Bank Notes, and wedding registers

According to the Bank of England you can't copy them without their permission

"Under section 18(1) of the Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981 it is a criminal offence for any person, without the prior consent in writing of the Bank of England, to reproduce on any substance whatsoever, and whether or not on the correct scale, any Bank of England banknote or any part of a Bank of England banknote. The Bank of England also owns the copyright in its banknotes." From http://www.bankofengland.co.uk/banknotes/reproducing_banknotes.htm

I understood that the reason for not taking photos of the wedding registers was related to the privacy of other people that had been recently married (and so on the same page). And that normally they will turn to a blank page and let you stage the photographs then,

BOFH: What GPS is for


@ Anonymous Coward

The updated Google Maps usually has a circle around the "location" showing the area you might be in. This is because it is picking up the information of which cell tower you are connected to and then guessing the maxium range of that.

On my N95 it starts with the acuarcy of 1700 metres based on cell location and then a few seconds later pinpoints me based on the GPS info.