* Posts by Stuart Wells

5 publicly visible posts • joined 25 Jan 2008

BBC calls DRM cops on iPlayer download party

Stuart Wells

BBC iPlayer

Firstly the iPlayer is absolute rubbish. Oh that's all I have, it's rubbish.

Good argument I think.

The 'green' car tax grabs that don't add up

Stuart Wells

Muahhahahahahaaaaa.... cough..cough

Green Taxes.... my erm.... there is and never has been anything green about taxes. Except for the queasy feeling the day after budget day. The only thing you need to know is that this government owes about £540 billion pounds (conservative estimate) or if you look at the private partnership garbage, northern rock etc etc it tots up to a bout £1100 billion.

Taxes for interest payments. Thats it. End of.

Brit apiarists demand £8m to save honeybees

Stuart Wells

It is simple really..

The government seem to be well aware that without bees and other pollenators food chains wood collapse and life would become very difficult. Now if people start dieing off then people will be too busy to write those pesky Freedom of Information letters that keep highlighting a) their incompetance and b) corruption.

So by doing nothing and spending no money there will be No bees and no worries. This is a paradigm shift in government thinking.

The alien cos only an Independance Day scale invasion can save us now.

Iran fires rocket 'into space', plans satellite for '09

Stuart Wells

@ Everyone

Well Iran has one or two issues since like a great many countries ended up being a pawn in The Game. The west gave ammo and a long rope to Iraq while they were 'dealing' with Iran. So Iran does have an issue with the west. And still Russia continues to supply Ammo and anti-missile missile systems to Iran, there is no Iraq so the west continues to poke and prod them without a proxy. It's like baiting a caged animal.

And I think some missed a key point when they talked of fundamentalists, now our american friends may not like this and I do think of them as friends, this is one set of fundamentalists ie muslim squaring up against another ie chrisitian. Ooo it's like the crusades all over again.

On the other hand yep they took several Navy folk but that ended up being less about Iran and more about government incompetance when they sold their stories to the press. So you end up with America on one side, Iran etc on the other and the British generally end up in the middle trying to find some middle ground. It's how the Brits have done diplomacy for years and maybe it will head back that way now we have rid of that toad Blair.

Scottish Government to block wind farm plan

Stuart Wells
Black Helicopters

A mighty wind...

Perhaps all those whinging about the opposition of the Scots Government would like 181 windfarms in their back garden. Oh no that wouldn't be good... lets blight a beautiful part of the world so you can continue to use standby buttons and all the other crap you keep buying for no other reason than satisfying your empty lives.

What we need to do is start to push energy conservancy and efficiency. Lets re-design the carbon credit scheme to be geared toward innovation rather than tired technologies that can't deliver when the South East turn on to coronation street. Or lets just become religious and convince god to send forth a mighty wind at 7pm every night.

(A spider cos some of the corrie loving, city living folk may be afraid... very afraid....lol)