* Posts by Isotope

9 publicly visible posts • joined 25 Jan 2008

HP boss places bets on 1,000 staff at UK race track


@anonymous coward re:Hurd

'I can assure you that 90% of EDS are not needed, having worked with their "engineers" before.'

Can you? Can you really? Well that would probably include myself and most of my collegues then that you have never met, know nothing about, and whom stand to lose EVERYTHING if made redundant. Thankyou so kindly for hitting me with your 60ft tar bedecked brush, I was just getting up on my feet after the last lot of redudancies, safer on the ground in the gutter obviously.

f:(cktarding clueless glue sniffer!

Mine'll be the one with the P45 in the pocket then :(

BOFH: Unfriendly ghosts


Classic BOFH

"I have a rough plan of them being hooded (for 'security reasons') at night (to 'coincide with shift changes') bundled in the back of a van and driven around local streets for half an hour "

mmmmmmm, my idea of a good night out ;)

A nice return to where we grew to love you.

HP's EDS acquisition to kill 24,600 jobs


Where's my cardboard box?

The nature of work at EDS, specifically with the DWP is that work comes in peaks and troughs. We are currently at a slight trough having finished a monumental project. Those of us who are being filtered to other areas while the next workload is being agreed are in very vulnerable positions. I have not worked on any of the projects mentioned by the 'sack them all' brigade and as such take exception at the slurs (and yes, I see they have now been pin pointed at management/middle management). Nevertheless, in this area there are no other large IT firms. It's not simply a case of keep the best sack the rest. For those with families and dependant on our jobs, and/or those who joined post the EDS takeover, we would, not to put too fine a point on it, be utterly screwed.

'Extreme porn' law could criminalise millions



you're quite right as regards the things you have mentioned but this law is much further reaching than that. It also covers photographs of consenting adults taken in their private home for their private use. They have not given strict guidelines on what will and will not be seen as non-consenting and as such cover themselves while covering the rest of us in effluence. What I do in the privacy of my home that hurts no-one else is my business and my business alone, the same applies to everyone else in the country. This bill says otherwise as it will be at the will of a panel of people who may or may not be sympathetic to your inner desires regardless of consent. If you ever want the opportunity to decide for yourself what you can and cannot do consensually, now is the time to do something about it before it's too late.


Think on!!!

http://www.backlash-uk.org.uk/ write to your mp now before it's too late!!!

sample letters can be found on the website. Even what you consider to be completely consensual photo's will land you in trouble.

El Reg celebrates 10th birthday


Most dissapointed....

...not to see the Playmobil re-enacment (was the truth too gruesome?).

Nonetheless, happy 10th birthday, long may it continue!

BOFH: Licensing model


ahhh...tis Friday

and it's now officially the start of my weekend. Cheers *raises coffee cup not rinsed in porcelain and unapproached by the PFY*

<---- Mines the splashproof one

Naomi Campbell cuffed in Heathrow Terminal 5



not being funny (and ignoring the fact that it's Naomi in the middle of it) had I been shuffled onto a flight on time with my baggage checked, then hurled from said flight because they lost my bags, I'd probably have kicked up an almighty fuss and decked someone too. Why the hell is she kicked off because they cocked up? Why lose one bag but not the other? Makes no sense to me.

Lightsaber voted top movie weapon


As we're outside of movies

Why no mention of the Train of Trismestigus? It must be by far the best and most interesting weapon and THAT is an ultimate truth!! (for all the Rankin fans out there).

coats already on.