To do it quicker??!!
37 publicly visible posts • joined 2 Apr 2007
Okay - he's loaded and will stay that way .. but dont take it out on him... So what if he likes to get his jollies paying hookers to act out fantasys ... it could be a lot worse....who among us hasnt thought about dressing up as hitler and having 5 tarts goose stepping for us whilst leading a heard of leather clad midgets across a lino covered floor greased up with baby oil whilst an albino strums "ride of the valkeries" on a harp ????
I mean ... if you cant have that sort of fun in the world and its thought of as sick ... maybe its not the type of world I want to be a part of ...
Rufus is correct, the download button was not that hard to find... even without instructions.
But aside from that, I dont think we shouldbe judging him too much ... he may be not all there or possibly abusing substances...
Still I shall start getting some emails to them to try and get a repsonse....
Spam ftw!
%&$ damned (^%ing *&^
What a waste of time.
I didnt realise pulling a sicky worked in prison.
Im going to the pub to drink 18 pints and drive into a crowded bus stop now... Then have the flu when I get to jail - that means they give me a nice ankle watch looking thing and i have to play lots of xbox ... PAH!
So If you made the mix tapes for you..... was this part of some ritual you had for wooing your good self prior to some good old self loving?
Seems a bit more time consuming than painting your left hand nails cheery red (number 6) and sitting on it for ten minutes till you cant feel it .... But hey ... what ever floats your boat ...
Some kid made a map of his school for a game... big deal...
I keep a postmans uniform and bag in my armoury and sit there polishing my machine gun in my boxers and a pair of army boots waiting for the day the boss goes to far ...
It would be more disturbing if he was making maps of someone elses school....
When you have your white headphones in - ensure you have been down the gym whilst on a large amount of performance enhancing drugs, also ensure your carrying a fully loaded mach 10, tazer, pepper spray and attach a grenade pin to a rip cord on your ipod.....
Avoid anyone in a hoodie... infact ... avoid other people, even your mum <just to be sure> - stay indoors, hide under your bed clutching holy relics of some sort, rock back and forth unable to enjoy your device, but at least its safe....
Or just keep it in your pocket and dont let the crackheads know you have it in the 1st place....
But the egg issue still remains and I imagine creating one of those to be beyond reach at the moment! I guess its half a problem solved though !
Mind you, all that research to produce sperm, and here's me sitting here producing the little swimmers quite happily as I sit at my desk at work....
Could they produce these cells from female bone marrow? What would happen then ? Scary stuff...
Why must John Law punish the innocent so? This guy clearly just wanted to enlighten us into the fun of spring break and then gets punished in a civil case brought on by women who where underage, but not to underage to be drunk and naked.
When will someone stand up and fight for the honest gruble flick. What is the world coming to ?!?
We could give them a big box with a screen at the front they can climb in, a nice dress up box with make up and let them make their own TV. Possibly filming it as another reality tv show "Con-Air(ed)".
The ideas are endless and maybe numbers could be culled with re-inactments of famous executions.. Although the love scenes wouldnt be everyones cup of tea I guess....
.. She will soon be an Xbox widow. Its been bad enough with my Gears of War addiction but now im just going to be glued to the thing... So many friends and family members have Xbox 360 and live now... Soon it will be time to plug into it for good .... When does the "Better than life" rebrand start ...
I guess i'd better start drilling the holes....