It's energising, with cattle prod energy.
10 publicly visible posts • joined 2 Apr 2007
as a right to source code. It lives only in the utopian universe of open sourcers. It is also ridiculous to think that anyone in his right mind would have time to audit every line of code running on its computer. There are millions of lines of code running in there. Not to mention that a very small fraction of the computer-using population that can read source code. And then even many programmers aren't working on low-level programming, and wouldn't know/understand the intricacies of low-level/optimised code. I know I wouldn't.
How do you manage to stay out of direct sunlight? It's not like a space station that relies on solar panels to generate electricity can hide in Earth's shadow all the time. Plus, a spacecraft can't hide in a shadow if it expects to go anywhere at all.
You should also know that cooling in space is a huge problem, what with being a 'hard' vacuum and all. Heat radiates really inefficiently in a vacuum.