* Posts by Huw Leonard

5 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Jan 2008

Microsoft blocks Trend Micro code at center of driver 'cheatware' storm from Windows 10, rootkit detector product pulled from site

Huw Leonard

Re: "Took liberties"

For a security product, though? Frankly, I'm not sure which would be worse, that they're that lax or that they did it on purpose.

Canadian ISP Telus launches novel solution to deal with excess email: Crash your servers and wipe it all

Huw Leonard

Re: Sad looking cheetah?

Pretty sure the cute animals marketing was originally Clearnet, which Telus bought in 2000. Cadvision's marketing was the stylized men and women (often sitting behind a computer) with the blank glasses that looked vaguely 50's-ish.

Microsoft mocks Apple and new iPhones in vids it quickly pulls

Huw Leonard

Re: Bad decision and taste

It's supposed to be Tim Cook. They guy even calls him "Tim" (and there's a difficult reference to pass up).

DARPA, US Army seek 'social computing' tech

Huw Leonard
Thumb Down

Fundamental perspectives

I wonder if anyone will bother to let DARPA know that a deterministic, and hence reliable, solution to this problem is impossible. Nah... why kill the golden goose before you've got all the eggs its gonna lay?

Apple cripples Sun's open source jewel

Huw Leonard

Not just broken for tracing iTunes

The part that seems to have the fellow from Sun riled up is that if you're running an app that's protected from their version of DTrace, you could get broken information for anything that you're doing -- not just if you're attempting to trace the protected app.

And, Bob, you'd have to know that the app was broken before you recompiled the "original" version. At the mercy of only what Apples tells us, no one would have known.