* Posts by TechnoTurkeyesque

3 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Jan 2008

Evesham Technology redundancy claims outstanding

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Moving on

Good to see that a core of the guys have themselves sorted at European Electronique, sure they will do well there.


Evesham brand up for sale as Austin walks

Dead Vulture


Yes the laptops Evesham sold were rebadged, but in the same way as Tier 1 laptops are made by third parties and rebadged by the likes of Dell.

I note that all complaints on here stem around the laptops, which even the most dedicated Evesham fan would admit had the odd issue. The desktops however were much better.

Very sad to see Evesham go like this. It was the staff that made the place.

Man wields soldering iron, welds eight new devices into Eee PC


Good work that boy

And you can get thunderbird running on it very easily, or at least I did!

Where is the lovely Asus lady, I though El Reg didn't need news as an excuse??