Legitimate use for cracks...
Yeah I said it. Legitimate use for cracks.
I have legally bought every game I own, but cracked most of them.
A few years back, I was bitching about having to put the disc in the machine each time I wanted to play a game, and a friend of mine suggested downloading a cracked version of the exe for the game, and using that.
I have cracked every legal copy of a game I've bought since. Not because I'm trying to run a ripped off version, but because I'm sick of putting the disc in all the time (No, I don't play online, so that's no issue for me.)
I think Steam was great like that, sure you have to be on the internet to play anything, but I didn't have to put the damn disc in all the time.
Besides, no matter what a company does, it'll get cracked/hacked/molested usually even before the street release date. I'm not saying it's pointless to have protection on the software, it still deters some people, but there isn't alot of point going all out on it.
If someone is determined to do something, they'll find a way.