The Thing /could/ be OK, but...
Ms Putman, could I have your missile address please, your post has broken my brain.
(Or in other words - _don't_ give them ideas like that!... *whimper*)
20 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Jan 2008
"atomic-scale and subatomic particle beam weapons"?
LASERs, for one (A LASER beam is a bunch of photons of the same wavelength(/energy level, depending on how you look at it) travelling in the same direction).
I'm more interested in the 'LASER induced plasma channel systems'...
Is this channelling plasma created with a LASER, or using a LASER to channel plasma?
Hmmm... *ponders*
(LASER is an initialism, not an acronym)
The goggles!.... They do NOTHING!!!
@phix8 - true, but what about transponders powered by the body's own electrical field?
*goto wikipedia* Hmm... I don't think it works the way I imagined. Good. But also bad. (futuretech implants may need external/induced power after all...)
Black helicopters - obvious really.
I could have sworn we had this already.
Or aren't the PEGI ratings legally enforceable?
PEGI is a voluntary system, although once in place it is illegal for persons under the age to purchase the game. In United Kingdom, if publishers of a game choose not to use the PEGI system it will be given a rating by the BBFC or in certain cases given no rating at all. However, it is not illegal for persons under the age to play the game, as it is a system of helping parents of children make informed decisions on buying the game. It is entirely the parent's choice whether to purchase a game for a minor.
So, if it's already legally enforceable - where it's sought - what's the problem other than that it's not mandated?
What he means is that it's a... tautology(?*)...
PIN Number = Personal Identification Number Number
LCD Display = Liquid Crystal Display Display (though you could have a display of such, but that would be a Liquid Crystal Display, display).
Etc, &c.
*I know the word I mean and used it recently, it just escapes me at the moment - unless I'm correct but confused.
I am not, I admit, a(n) [Insert fancy term for LASER specialist here], but wouldn't it be better if the platform fired on the move, to cut down on blooming in the beam path?
The power shortage could be overcome with a larger or separate powerplant for the LASER .
@ Nomen Publicus, they could use a blue LASER, as - providing they picked the correct wavelength (using the absorption spectrum of water, or whatever*) - the beam shouldn't be as affected by the moisture in the atmosphere at that end of the spectrum. For absorption, anyway; I'm not too sure about diffraction.
*like I said, I'm not an expert; I don't even play one on TV.
PS: The pedant in me took over after I typed this out, hence the capitals...
know their missile address?
This is a clear case for building* an orbital battlestation of some sort:- FOBS or THOR, I'm not bothered, so long at the crater's big enough to encompass all the BS.
*Anyone want to throw some VC funds my way; I mean, how's a budding megalomaniac meant to get started these days?
"...nine lives won't save your pet from if it falls from your sixth-floor balcony."
I read somewhere that the amount of damage an average domestic cat takes from a fall rises in severity (but is not in and of itself lethal) until you (or the cat) get to the fifth storey, where it plateaus at multiple broken bones and other attendant injuries, IIRC this is due to the low terminal velocity, self-righting abilities and inherent athleticism and (presumably) shock absorbing properties of the general make-up of said felines.
Sorry - it is a little verbose isn't it?