So I buy one of these...
...and my mate buys one - and we can both listen, but not talk. Am I missing something here?
804 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Jan 2008
Another Windows security patch story? hah. Typical of Gates and Misroshaft. Never had security problems when I was in Poonah with the 7th Cavalry. All our abacusses... abaci... abacupoi... my abacus worked fine, and so did all the others without needing endless fixes. And why? Because they were good British engineering, that's why, made in the best British sweatshops in Rangoon... <goes back to sleep>
...anyone who played PacMan would spend their time running around in the dark to repetitive electronic music while eating pills. Oh wait...
Isn't it a bit like "schools encourage godlessness/ homosexuality/ whatever todays bete noir is"? It's certainly working for mathematics and English, isn't it?
He registered Gmial the name in Germany first. It's his tradename, seems fair than Google can't market a competing service under the same name. - if he registered it, it should be his. If Google registered it first it's theirs.
But demanding that German domain name servers refuse to resolve the US address to an IP strikes me as unfair restriction on trade.
Naomi Campbell. You have been found guilty before a jury of your peers and it is now my duty to pass sentence. You will be taken from this place to the place of Primark, there to be dressed from the neck down until you are cut dead in the street by Kate Moss and Amy Whinehouse. And may the Lord have mercy on your soles.
"Years ago Wang Computers had a support service called 'Wang Care'. I kid you not...."
And I am told that Siemens corporate standard for its offices was to answer the phone with "Siemens, <location>" as in "Siemens, Seattle" or "Siemens, Berlin" until they opened an office in Staines... Dead granny? Dunno, but a good story anyway and this is the internet after all, so veracity doesn't really matter.
Have they been solved? I can't say I'm that bothered by the low quality camera - I do use the camera on my phone to snap things to show to SWMBO that I think might look good in the house, but not much else - and I don't spend enough time on public transport to make me bother apout the mp3 side of things (still not even got an iPod) but the ability to interact correctly with my work eMail could sway me.
"That's not research. Thats getting hold of some juicy (possibly personally idenfiable) data and having a laugh.
And this cack gets published? Why am I not surprised?"
I must admit I thought that at first - but then I looked at the paper. This data could actually help a lot of public health planning. We diagnoses a case of SARS in Hackney. If we want to predict spread, we need to know how people move. If 36 hours have gone by, do we need a five mile cordon? A ten mile one? Or is it pointelss after 36 hours?
Those signs you see at the roadside "There was an accident here yesterday - did you see anything?" Are those signs worth placing on B-roads? A-roads? Motorways? The answer depends on how repetetive peoples journeys are.
There's potentially a lot of very useful information in this paper (which I don't claim to understand).
If I take the medical records of 1000 people, and pass a researcher the ages, heights and weights with an index number I've created (so he knows that height A belongs with weight B, then to him the data is anonymous. I would keep (locked away) a record of who those numbers belong to, so that if he rings me up and says "Patient 32 is 18 metres tall according to your data - could you check?" "Oops, I meant 1.8 m".
But the data he has is totally anonymised, and no amount of analysis he can do will break that. I admit that in medicine we're paranoid about confidentiality (once upon a time I'd go to meetings and see slides describing "Patient ASJ" and "Patient JT" but even that's not permitted now. It's subject 1, subject 2, subject 3. Poor subject 1 - every time I go to a meeting he's had some new disease befall him. And quite a few sex changes...) and other fields may not be as cautious.
"I have a simpler question and probably more relevant. How can you tell if a person only moved 10 miles or less from their place of residence if you don't know who they are or where they live? Let me put it another way, even if you didn't know their names, you would at least have to know their address. "
I think if someone stayed in a ten mile circle for over two weeks, we'd be fairly sure their home was somewhere in that ten mile circle. You don't need to know their address, or where in that circle their home is to make that deduction. If location detection got down to GPS resolution (which is doesn't) and you traced me over two weeks, you'd find there's a location where I spend 8 hours a day, five days a week, mostly during the day and another where I spend every night. Figuring out which is home and which is work isn't Nobel-prize level research.
I agree that shooting out the camera requres a level of skill and opportunity you're not likely to be given the field. But a bucket of paint on a string would do the job, and unlike digging spike pits or planting landmines, it wouldn't do you a lot of harm if it wen't off while you're setting it up.
And unless we set up a new UN ban on selling Dulux to terrorist regimes, raw materials are going to be cheap and plentiful. Of course, it'll lead to an arms race with special pigment removing wipers being countered by the use of big sheets which can be dealt with by robotic scissors which you can blunt with a rock which can be wrapped in paper which can be cut with...
"the average consumer only spends 20 minutes trying to get, say, a DVD player working
Even if you are a stupid git, if it takes more then 20 minutes to get a DVD player working it IS defective."
Do you have any idea how long it takes to sand down a VHS casette to make it fit in that little slot?
I reckon it's like Olympic high diving. You can just jump off the board, but you don't get many points. Alternately, you can attempt a triple twisting pike double somesault, diviculty tariff 3.7, and gets loads of points. Hacking gets you no kudos, but a Home Office site - an Home Office anti-hacking site even - is mch mor eimpressive!
These guys are obviously now sitting back for the scores from the panel: 9.0, 9.0, 8.7, 9.0....
"if you ignored the primary inconsistency of the statement made that the humans destroyed the time machine after Reece passes through, so how did these increasing complex terminators and Arnie's now good terminator(s) come through?!!"
They used the time machine to go back in time to stop themselves destroying the time machine that they'd just used to go back in time to stop themselves destroying the time machine they'd just used to go back in time to stop themselves destroying the time machine they'd just used to go back in time to stop themselves destroying the time machine they'd just used to go back in time to stop themselves destroying the time machine...
[Scene: Death Star, interior. Rebel fighetrs run for the Millenium Falcon, pursed by Imperial Troopers and Darth Vader. Suddenyl, Obi Wan Kenobi emerges from the shadows]
VADER: Obi Wan Kenobi - we meet again. You're.. you're my besht friend you are. I love you. I do . I love you. It's you'n'me, pal, against the Empire. You'n'me. We'll show 'em, eh? Jussht like old ti- old times.
I think that might have been a better film...
"bring back the death penalty for owning a mobile."
I thought we still had it - it just takes a while for the tumours to grow, that's all...
Joke icon because it says "Dr" in my signature and you just know some tinfoil-hat wearer will quote my post otherwise with the comment "Doctors know phones give you brian (sic) cancer"
"Bryan Adams High School was rated Academically Acceptable by the Texas Education Agency in 2007"
So presumably is doesn't teach evolution?
Penguin icos 'cos it proves intelligent design. No way that thing evolved to suit any environment. Or maybe it disproves intelligent design - what sort of omnisicient being would have designed THAT?