Now I can relax and listen to my favourite music while keeping one eye open to make sure 250 quids worth of gadget doesn't walk off the table and land in last night's curry...
804 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Jan 2008
There, I said it, and I claim ownership. All words containing my letter 'e' must now acknowledge their debt to me. Now I'm not greedy, and there will be no charge for using my letter, but I do reserve the right to bundle advertisements with it in future. Or in other words which contain it.
"OK Steve, we're going to do movie tie-in ads, worked for Orange, it'll work for us! Now imagine, a desert landscape, two suns low on the horizon, little figures in dark robes stand in front of an enormous iPhone mounted on treads, lots of robots lined up out fornt. Alec Guiness voice-overs "These little fellows" (waddya mean he's dead? Offer him double) sorry about that "These little fellows are Javas, they provide the best droids on the intern- oh. It doesn't? You're sure? OK OK OK, I got another one. Space battle! Lasers! Big jock guy, girl dressed in harem gear. Heavy drums on soundtrack DUM DUM DUM DUM DUM DUM DUM DUM FLASH! Ah-ahhhh! Saviour of the inter- it doesn't do that either? What the hell does it do? It makes phone calls and the screen flips when you turn it sideways? Jeez, no wonder you need a decent ad campaign..."
According to the Penguin Dictionary of Troublesome Words "There is no rule against beginning a sentence with 'and'. And that's all there is to it!"
And 'and' can be preceded by a comma if single items in the list already contain 'and'. Consider these two sentences
"At the party I had pate, salmon, meat and potato pie and custard."
"At the party I had pate, salmon, meat and potato pie, and custard."
I don't know the quick route for calculating standard deviation any more (though I once did); I'm allowed to use a program written by someone who does. But I am expected to know when it's the right test to do and when it isn't, so if I say a stats test tomorrow, it wouldn't be inappropriate to allow me to use a stats package.
Similarly, in this case I see no reason to prevent the students getting access to the text of the speech and perhaps some background material - but I'm not so sure about 'phone a friend'. Talking to people to report what popular opinion on an issue is would be a reasonable thing to do - but there is the risk of "Hi! Sarah? What do I think about Martin Luther King in about 500 words?" or - far simpler - "Sarah? Can you give me some good search keywords to find out about some American guy who dreamt something?"
"lack of flexibility (try to play it on a Linux Netbook or transfer it to an ipod) killed all the hype for me. "
Those are very niche activities. I don't think I even know anyone with a notebook with a BluRay drive, let alone one running Linux. And who in their right minds actually watches the sort of media which comes on DVD/BluRay on an iPod? iPods are just about capable of rendering phone camera video, but nothing better.
I think BluRay has a chance of becoming a standard, unless something better comes along soon, before it has got a toe-hold. Putting BluRay in the PS3 was a damn shrewd move of the BluRay lobby. It may not be the greatest player around, but it does give you the option of building up a library of your favourites so that when you do finally stump up from a decent player, you're not reduced to watching the free SpiderMan 3 disc or whatever Blockbuster have in - "High School Musical 8 - For God's sake, we're all 25 working at WalMart now!" anyone?
"A More Autonimous Tibet That Retains Territorial Integrity, Protection And Governance Of China Without Sacrificing It's Unique Traditions And Heritage NOW!"
"Steady Progress And Limited Disobedience While Retaining Well-Formulated Good Manners!"
"Gently Push Over The Forces Of Repression!"
YEah, I run VS on two screens; I generally have the code on screen one and the web site on screen two.
But VS is a single-window app; I can't have one of its windows on one monitor and one on another, and hit maximise on either without filling both screens. IIRC one of the bigger apps (Corel? Aldus Pagemaker?) tried a "totally independent window for each control" approach a few years back, but it was too cumbersome.
Oh, and the Hercules setup - ah, happy days! <oldSchool>When I wrote a DOS-based graphical CBL authoring system in the late 80's/early 90's using MS C6, I used to have a three monitor system: EGA for the output, Hercules for debugging and video for the LaserDisc</oldSchool>
And you try to tell the young code monkeys of today that, and they won't believe you...
And El Reg goes for the tricky synchrised triple alliteration, difficulty rating 8.88 - could we be seeing another gold for Team GB here? I don't know, it's 4am by my body clock and I've been watching people running round and round in circles for eleven straight hours and after this I have to go commentate on the rhythmic gymnastics while keeping a straight face and it's back to the studio Harry.
"There's so many things wrong with this, I give up."
Don't think "invisible" as in "Hollywood invisible", think "a lot harder to spot that usual", i.e. very good camouflage.
There is some lovely footage on YouTube of al alternate take of this: a guy in a highly reflective suit stands in front of a video projector linked to a camera held behind him. He's not "invisible" but he is a lot harder to see! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mFGo6kCmf38
"I can go at least 1 day syncronising and performing other tasks, phone calls, photos etc without any problem."
At least ONE day? I'm thinking of replacing my old M500 because battery life has dropped to three days. It used to do a week, or even more. Having to recharge daily takes us back to the early 90's!
I really like the interface on the iPhone and was seriously thinking of gettingone to replace the M500 - but not at the expense of a daily recharge. I don't want to have to carry other cables or chargers when i go away overnight.
The pieces of advice "don't unsubscribe" and "don't use out-of-office replies" assume the spammers are thinking "This guy tried to usubscribe - keep - this one sent an O-o-O - keep - but I never heard back from Jimmy@whoopdidoo.com - better take that name of my lists".
Whilst that MIGHT be true for they EveryCommonName@ListOfDomains generated lists, I don't think it's likely to be true for harvested addresses.