How many Note 7s actually went up?
I know that any number greater than 1 is shall we way "sub-optimal", but the feeling in the media is that it was "lots more than other phones" but I can't get a handle on actual figures.
804 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Jan 2008
"The majority were explosive gas attacks"
I'm intrigued as to how you'd make that work. Obviously, I know about gas explosions - but they require a reasonable volume of gas which must be hard to arrange near an ATM and aren't directional. Thoughts? Drill a hole and pipe in oxygen/acetylene? (Or ethyne, as I believe the young people call it nowadays)
"All the time" includes when they go to the toilet, which could be considered an invasion of privacy. And taste.
There might also be times when there could be reasonable belief that the camera would be considered intrusive - dealing with bereaved relatives, for example.
However, if the rule is "If you're on duty, camera is on duty too, unless you can justify turning it off", I think that would reasonably cover things.
I'm also unsure how much the reduction in complaints is the police behaving better because they're being recorded - or factitious complaints being prevented, in which case the police will want them on all the time anyway.
If the offence occurred in the US, then the equivalent US law is applied but only in a US court.
If I launch a piano by trebuchet over an international boundary and damage a house in another country, the laws against criminal damage of that country apply and I should face trial over there. If instead of a piano, I use a cow, then laws against animal cruelty may have been broken in two jurisdictions and charges could be pressed in both location.
Do: damned.
Don't: damned.
He has not been convicted of carrying out an offence but a group of suitably qualified people are sufficiently worried about his personality that they judge him a risk to other members of society.
If he never commits an offence - the judge gets it for imposing this order.
If he does, the judge gets it for not locking him up (previous offence or no).
It could of course be that people don't make baseless complaints when they know the police have video evidence which would refute them. You can interpret this either way - but frankly I'm happy with the result, whatever the mechanism is.
Either police or behaving better or the public are behaving better or (gasp) a bit of both. Win/win/win.
PassiveAggressiveBot vs GrammarNaziBot
"I couldn't being myself to automatically change someone else's text."
"The use of the split infinitive is not good style - you should write 'to change someone else's text automatically'."
"I'd be very happy if I was as confident as you in correcting grammar."
"The conditional takes the plural form - you should write 'if I were as confident as you'"
...but surely that only works on CRTs and now (nearly) everyone has LED/LCD screens it's obsolete.
I'm more taken by the claim that it's possible " to .. “sniff” all the keystrokes of wireless keyboards from ... up to 100 metres away." Now, I appreciate "up to 100" includes "a maximum of 5" but this MS3000 won't do more than about 10 feet. Or is that a limitation of my receiver and they're using Arecibo-size kit?
From memory of A-Level Biology (in the days when the main text was Ye Origin of Fpecief) there are fish with left * right handed genitalia and a male "leftie" can only mate with a female "rightie". Ah, here's an example -
....they don't see the kerb (International sign meaning "YOUR BIT ENDS HERE. WATCH OUT FOR BRMMM BRMMMS")... why do we imagine they'll see a light?
How about making smartphones where the screen doesn't illuminate as you move at walking pace? Fine in the car. Fine while stopped. But if you're walking DON'T LOOK AT THE PHOINE!
Drving through the night once, I pulled into services and wanted something NEW to listen to. I rummaged through their sale bin and got a Buffy audiobook narrated by Charisma Carpenter (worth the 99p just to hear her attempt at Gile's accent) and "Teach Yourself Klingon". The wrapper said it was aimed "at the tourist planning a holiday or trip to the Klingon empire" but cautioned that if you wanted to trade with the Klingons, you needed the companion tape "Business Klingon for Beginners"...