Oh give me a break
So let me understand this.
Someone takes off their clothes on a web-cam under "duress" (which I have serious doubts about) and they are calling it cyberbullying?. (the latest buzzword in a long line of "we must protect the children" blurbs that have little to do with protecting the children and more for seeking an agenda.
I'm sorry, but that is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard of.
And as for the examples of our well known celeb "sex tapes" that have been "released". I'm sorry, but if you appear on a such a tape, you (both man and woman) run the risk exposure. (How many "tell all" books by various groupies and other such women who actually say "hey I had sex with these people" without regard of their current lives etc.. (ex: http://www.thelondonpaper.com/cs/Satellite/london/news/article/1157146855378?packedargs=aid%3D1157146855378%26suffix%3DArticleController ) Not to mention that personally I think more of them are leaked to keep their names in the press for publicity sake and shock value. (as the old adage goes, even bad press is still press (or words to that effect)
So lets just call it what it is.. indiscriminate behaviour without regard of thought or feeling. (something that both genders do with equal measure and for various reasons). but its not "cyberbullying".