* Posts by Jonathan

8 publicly visible posts • joined 21 Jan 2008

Hunt for MPs' expenses leaker hots up

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Bigger Picture?

Our MPs have power over billions of pounds, yet their minuscule expenses claims get this much coverage! These guys could be authorising a war against France as we speak and nobody would notice! I doubt even images of the Eiffel Tower crashing into the Seine would make the news right now!

Wacky Jacqui spanked by husband


@AC (12:11 GMT)

Hit the nail on the head there, Medialens here we come! However I doubt that honest, critical reporting will ever catch on within the red top loving herd.

I found it funnier that the Daily Mail suggested THIS should be the reason she is fired!


A Distraction?

A quote by Noam Chomsky springs to mind:

"When the press focuses on the sex lives of politicians, reach for your pocket, and see who’s pulling out your wallet."

I for one am searching the papers today to try and identify which (probably more important) story is being buried by this one.

Government wastes £4.6m on mobile telly nonsense


Embarrassing is the only word...

These videos and in fact, all the government sponsored sex education is mildly embarrassing at best and horrendously cringe-making at worst. The dancing dad analogy sums things up as well as I can manage. If anything these kinds of campaigns tend to have the opposite effect, trying too hard to imitate real life 'cool street talk' of whatever these sheltered advertising types with absolutely zero life experience want to call it.

Hell, I'm a rational 23 year old and even I'm tempted to throw away my stash of condoms and start a baby-factory, just to help bugger their statistics up.

Mines the one with the pre-pinpricked durex in the pockets.

Native-Linux music player Amarok gets major overhaul


1.4 is fine...

1.4 is fine for me, all I do is navigate through the music tree, choose an artist/album, and click play. Occasionally I move files to my MP3 player... and thats about it! Version 2 doesn't really offer me any benefits whatsoever!

Not that I'm blaming Amarok, because as other's have pointed out KDE4 isn't nearly ready for this sort of thing!

UK.gov says extreme porn isn't illegal if you delete it...


Hostel 2 (again)

Again from Hostel 2. A naked woman hung from the roof, having her body slashed with a scythe, and another naked woman in the bathtub below being covered in her blood! I can see some action being taken against HMV and WH Smith for selling that obvious filth!

MS misses restart button on desktop auto-updates


RE: Ubuntu

RE: Anonymous - Ubuntu

Whilst a Ubuntu fan myself an a strong advocate of GNU/Linux, it is not technically true that this sort of thing would not happen on Ubuntu. Case in point:




Do we need computer competence tests?


Does it have to be Compulsary?

I think too many people are concentrating on the 'compulsary' nature of Guy's suggestions, but what about non-compulsary training or licencing.

A voluntary government sponsored Internet/Security awareness course akin to the ECDL could be a useful qualification for people to have for job applications etc, and might encourage people to learn these things for themselves.

Also, at the moment Microsoft Windows (or in fact any of the other OS's) don't really include any advice on IT security, and this would be a very useful tutorial to give new PC users when they first switch the machine on.
