* Posts by Greg

3 publicly visible posts • joined 21 Jan 2008

Rogue MP3 Trojan streaks across P2P networks


Correct me if I'm wrong but..

are you not prompted by windows that play_mp3.exe is attempting to execute and given the option to cancel it? If you're stupid enough to think "Ooh yes - I'll run this unrequested software to play a file that I've just downloaded from an unknown source" then no amount of security/anti virus solutions will ever save you.

BT pimped customer web data to advertisers last summer

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Time to say goodbye..

I have been with TalkTalk for some time now and have been one of the lucky few to not have any trouble with their service. Even if it as easy as changing your host file to avoid this I won't feel happy staying with a company that does business with spyware pushers.

Computer system suspected in Heathrow 777 crash


No coincidence

This is just further proof that computers are slowly becoming self aware and what we are witnessing are the begginings of the robot revolution.....