You must be one of mine, then.
179 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Jan 2008
I bought six albums at Xmas, that I had listened to, for free, on Spotify beforehands. Two were downloads (paid for). And, for the first time, I am discovering new artists that I like and plan to buy their CDs, through hearing them on Spotify and Planet Rock.
I'm fed up of buying albums where I like 1 track (the single played on the radio) and the rest is filler.
Spotify, just like filesharing, is a distribution and approval mechanism potentially leading to purchase.
... the overtly left handed political bias constantly output:-
- nice to NuLab politicians
- tear apart opposition politicians
- reinforce AGW propaganda
- fail to report on the unfettered immigration scandal
mind you it's not just the BBC, it is most of the mainstream media (excepting EL Reg, of course)
Have you no sympathy, empathy, even? Us geeks have a common flaw. We are all sensitive peeps, we want to know what is happening outside our own sphere of influence. We all have curiousity beyond the general population. Just because he went cleverer beyond the big US computers protection shouldn't make him a criminal, even if he was serialy doing it, he just has a persistent quality like we all need to work in this goddamed profession.
Totally agree. 34 units is for wimps. Try 134 units a week for a while, or perhaps your entire lifetime. The old uns are the pickled ones.
Of course, we could abstain and be bored shitless, perhaps live longer in poverty and having to decide whether to heat the home or eat a square meal a day and watch endless Eastenders (choose your soap). Or we might even die younger having abstained (hic).
I prefer the pedal to the metal.
Java used to be write once run anywhere, now it will be write once run it where Oracle says.
I hope it's forked, easily so co's don't need big investment to carry on. Sorry, bit naive, open source has always been about develop it free, get it out there, try to monetize later. Oracle is very good at that game.
Same with MySql.
Otherwise, Sparc has been dead since Xeon came along, with Linux, of course. Oracle will discard. They don't want to get into CPU engineering. Too complex, more than J2EE actually. Can't have the geeks in control, now, can we?
This is bad news, I think.