The Pirate Bay stands for freedom of information, and the people behind it are heroes of the digital era's civil rights movement .....
The people will prevail you greedy corporate fascist fucks .....
127 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Jan 2008
considering that most of my regrettable emails, forum posts and general unpleasant internet discourse, are made when I'm completely arse faced and drunk, means that 5 seconds to hit undo is akin to wanking an elephant with a pair of tweasers ...... quite useless
therefore i suggest a breathalyzer affixed to a usb port, which will detect when you are out of it, and prevent you from embarrassing yourself via email, IM twatter, arsebook and other such assorted interweb paraphernalia....
i just don't what the bloody big fuss about porn is? if mature adults want to watch or engage in porn, then it's nobody's bloody business but theirs ..... as for protecting the kiddies, install a bloody password protected filter ......
I can understand the religious nutcases telling you that you will be tortured horribly in hell for all eternity (but still god loves you) if you watch porn (or play with yourself - or both), but what the hell do the communists (supposedly atheist too) have against porn?
"corrupts the morality of our youth" does it? running over students with tanks tends to corrupt youth morality a little too mate .....
bloody poofs
paris hilton cause she's PrOn and will be banned in China very soon....
this is actually a mini-hoax ... all new iphone 3gs come with baseband 2.28, which is NOT unlockable, and will not be for the foreseeable future, iphone dev's upcoming release unlocks basebands 2.11 and earlier .... (although an iphone having either will also have firmware 2.2 which can be jailbroken) .... confused? so was i, which is why i got rid of my iphone 24 hours after i got it .... complete bollox, especially for anyone used to the functionality of windows mobile...
"organizations that archive email in a "fractured" environment risk losing control and may struggle to produce evidential-quality email evidence." and you buy that instead of "management would rather pay 15 million of shareholder money than go to jail, which is why they destroyed the evidence"? ..... heh
yeah blame it all on the financial crisis.....not the fact that your competitors are tearing you a new one with their superior and better priced products........ learned a lot from the Detroit mob have they?
Seriously, Amd and Ati suck donkey ass furiously, I've never ever had an Amd system which wasn't total bollox, overheated and caused a host of "issues".
either NASA employs complete idiots(my opinion), or people so smart that their whole brain is devoted to figuring out complex theories and formulas, leaving nothing to house the simple common sense that any script kiddie or mischievous internet brat knows .....
the bugger deserves to go to jail for being so bloody stupid....
um...why would he want to steal the actual tape which someone would notice is missing(duh), and so get found out, and have to go into hiding forever after an international arrest warrant is issued, when he could have just make a copy of it and no one would have known??????? something smells fishy here....
paris cause....that fishy smell again......
"The American system works like this: American company sues foreign company in the USA, American company wins. Foreign company sues American company in the USA, American company wins. It's a simply, effective system that helps American companies keep the upper hand."
just another standard implementation of the American dream(tm) which coincidentally is going down the shitter as we speak....
so they can outsource your jobs abroad, then sell you their products for a price higher than most other countries cough up, and of course you'll have to pay up because they have a monopoly on operating systems ... if you try to do anything about it they'll sue you into bankruptcy ..... sounds like a pretty straight forward case of the American dream (TM) at work ....