The O2 price for tethering is exactly the same as their price for a 3G data plan with dongle. So what's the problem?
22 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Jan 2008
It's perfectly possible to use liquid nitrogen at -240°C, it boils at -192°C, but with additional cooling it can easily be taken cooler. If you don't have a ready supply of liquid N2 you might want to keep it below boiling point so it doesn't all disappear when you reach e.g. the Persian gulf. The more you chill the superconductors the larger the magnetic field you can use without the superconductivity breaking down.
All of which I've been able to do (except maybe the spirit level - but I wouldn't want my phone near DIY) on Windows Smartphones before. I love the iPhone as I said before, but try to keep things in perspective eh? The only thing better about it is the user interface. That's great, and is why I love it, but it doesn't make it a topic of conversation.
I'd love one. Electric engines beat petrol ones in so many ways, it's only battery technology that holds them back. As for the range, hardly the point of a sports car is it? Watching an old Top Gear on Dave the other day, when Jeremy Clarkson was asked about the range of the GT40 he was buying it was 74 miles!
you talk from your arse, AC. Plenty of dogs have bitten people who weren't posing any threat to them or their 'pack'. Not necessarily just dangerous and/or badly trained dogs either. Unless you count walking past the end of a drive on the public pavement as threatening? (Just one real life example)
The idea's good. STFU and help make it work. Why should I have to pay the same to throw my stuff as someone who has twice as much? It will make people think twice about how much packaging they buy with their shopping and increase pressure on supermarkets to stop selling vegetables in trays etc. Those complaining about dishonest neighbours protest too much I think. Maybe if you got on better with your neighbours you wouldn't have a problem?
Once someone has invented something then it is always possible to replicate that more easily, even without getting the knowhow direct from them. In the case of the stealth paint once you know which frequencies it absorbs then you can hazard a guess at the composition, and you can measure the frequencies it absorbs best quite easily. I learnt about stealth tech at Uni FFS (Materials Science since you ask). And yes, Dr. E. Amweaver, (nice nick) if it gets wet it's useless on planes. Most of the reduction of radar signature is in the shape of the plane though.
Why do people think that this wouldn't stand up in a UK court? Because they don't like the idea? The police have been paying informants since the police force began, and their info has been used in many court cases. It rather depends on what the data is, not how it was obtained. Anyone here know what the information is? Thought not. For all anyone here knows it's the full evidence chain for every one of these tax-dodging parasites.