* Posts by David Keegel

1 publicly visible post • joined 18 Jan 2008

Home Sec in anti-terror plan to control entire web

David Keegel

More than two ways this could go

"So, we've basically got two ways this could go.

One, the Brown cabinet are just grandstanding...

Or, two, the government actually plans to build a Chinese-style Great Firewall of Blighty ..."

What about:

Three, expand the remit of IWF.org.uk to also cover illegal content decribing how to make an explosive bomb (or some other specific type of content which is illegal), and then have a process something like this:

(A) someone makes a complaint about a specific site breaching one of the areas in IWF's remit

(B) IWF investigates the site to confirm it does appear to violate that area (otherwise, no further action is taken)

(C) IWF adds the site to its stop-list which is published to participating ISPs

(D) When participating ISPs get the new stop-list, they block access to those URLs.

It does not mean that all bomb-making sites will be blocked, but it would give a process by which bomb-making sites can be identified (by people making a complaint) and after being verified those URLs can be blocked. In short, the government would be doing something to address the issue, but far short of completely blocking all bomb-making sites/content on the entire Internet.