* Posts by John

3 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Jan 2008

Pirate Bay slapped with copyright charges


Ummm Logic Incorrect..

[I work for a small software publisher (Flight Simulation add-ons which is a very small market)]

Do you really think that the people who downloaded it would have purchased it anyway ?? I think not... Only a tiny % of illegal downloads result in loss of revenue since most downloaders would NEVER have purchased the product anyway.

Most software is rubbish or over priced. Adobe Photoshop for example, is very expensive but an excellent product. Its price out of reach for most though. If the price was drastically reduced to say £30 for Home Users, I'd buy a copy tomorrow !

Cops admit CCTV no use in deterring drunken violence



{ "Make holding a driving licence mandatory [...] to prove your age"

Why not substitute the words "driving license" for "ID card"?}

Because you won't want to loose your driving licence :O)

and the PC parade don't want 'ID cards' although We already carry lots of them! so make better use of the ones we already have.


Simple solution...

In my opinion, alcohol is a major root of evil.

From violent crime, vandalism, wife beating... The list goes on.

Make holding a driving licence mandatory (even if its provisional) to prove your age. Nothing else will be accepted to purchase alcohol. Possibly add a chip to store how much alcohol you can consume. If you are a drunk lout, your card gets barred or limited.

Make the alcohol manufacturers partially responsible financially for damage, injury and death as a result of drinking. Doesn’t sound fair, but they create the Alco-pops targeted at kids!

I’m getting older and more grumpy every day!