Why share?
Long one. Please bear with me.
So I just got back from the playground with my 2.5yo. The playground is beside a lake, and there is a carpark that faces the lake, and a scenic walking/biking track that goes around the lake.
As we're walking to the car I remote open the boot and a few seconds later a group of guys walking behind the cars, stop behind my car?
I find this a bit odd. Why walk behind the cars when there is a really nice scenic walk 5 steps away (around the lake). Why stop in the middle of the car park? Why stop behind my car.
I'd usually leave my child's bike and bottles and junk near the path and carry her to the car to strap her into her seat, then go back and get all the junk and put it in the boot. I leave the boot up during this process, because parking spots are at a premium, and I want anyone cruising for a spot to realise this is not going to happen quickly. But given this group of guys is now behind the car, I decide to carry toddler, bike, etc. all with me and put the stuff in the load space first, and then go around and strap her in.
They guys, 4 or 5 of then, mid-20's to mid-30's, white, 5'8" to 5'10" short hair and clean shaven, wearing athletiwear (shorts/t-shirts) remian behind my car the whole time, talking.
They are talking about the terrorist video. They are trying to decide which bits they like best. The shooting outside? The shooting inside?
I almost throw up.
I get my daughter strapped in, close the tailgate, and start the car. They move one car spot away, stop behind the next car. I lock the doors and reverse out. As I drive around the car park to the exit, they are still there. The lights change and I leave.
With 20/20 hindsight, I could have taken a good photo from the other side of the car park while waiting for the queue of traffic at the lights. But I didn't think of it. No I don't have a dashcam.
About 15 minutes later when I have time I call the local police station to 'report it. No they were not carrying anything. No they didn't seem to be prepared for any immediate violent act. Their loitering behind the cars in the car park was suspicious and their conversation revolting, but nothing more than that. The police directed me to a web page where I could record the particulars, which I promptly did. During the process of describing it, I realise that where they were standing was probably not covered by any security camera, possibly explaining their preference to remain there.
So why repeat all of this here?
Because the item the author of the article fails to address, is that A LOT OF PEOPLE like and share this stuff.
It's abhorrent that they do, but they do.
Yes it's less than the total user base of facebook, but it's clearly not a tiny proportion.
Yes, it's been proven clinically that it's a sign that they are more likely to abuse animals and people.
In China, I imagine they would not so much do a better job of banning the content, as severely reduce the points in your social balance once they found out you had watched it, and even more if you'd shared it. You'd likely never get a house, job, car or date ever again.
I don't want that to happen in facebook-land, and besides, it won't stop the guys in the car park, will it?
The root of the problem is people actually liking this stuff.
And whilst it's a socal problem, it's not a problem I think social networks can fix, and certainly not with time-delayed video.