I live in Germany, where I've seen just about every local book store fold in the last ten years. There are no more friendly little old ladies who know the book of which you speak, or perhaps better versions, bindings, et al. There are no longer helpful (and well informed) staff to point you in the right direction on a topic with which you aren't familiar. There are no more espresso machines where you and a salesperson can chill for a few minutes and discuss green things in general with a book store surrounding you where you can check your references. Frankly, I think this sucks.
When you let the Walmarts and other big box and internet stores in and give them free rein on their unbridled greed (for the myth of lower prices; i.e. your greed), you're basically sounding the death knell for all your neighbors' businesses. Is that what we really want? I'm definitely not a lover of all things French, but here they have it right. Vive la France.