* Posts by Barry Tabrah

149 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Jan 2008


Chrome beta bakes in auto-translation

Barry Tabrah

Easier translation for the stable release

You can download an extension for the stable release that does auto-translation using Google Translation services. Works quite well. I can understand why they decided to put it in as a built-in feature.

However, this is a dark and dangerous path. MS have embedded a whole bunch of unused tools in their browser in the past and this has caused much woe.

Sony: PS3 leap year glitch caused network lockout

Barry Tabrah

Complex mathematics?

How is such a mistake possible? I mean, how difficult is it to tell if a number can be divided by 4 or not?

Mind you, it shows that Sony never thought that their chunky consoles would last this long.

Microsoft finally debuts Euro-choose-a-browser screen

Barry Tabrah

This had better be opt-out corporately

We don't want any of your browsers here. We're a local government, for local employees. We dictate what software is used and where.

Apple ambushed in Barcelona

Barry Tabrah

Easier for developers?

Designing an application that can run on any required platform can be a logistical nightmare. This won't help developers, this will hinder them.

Anti-Internet Explorer 6 protests grow with online petition

Barry Tabrah

The reason they won't tell you about

Government, particularly local Government, are still running software that relies on IE6 that was written 7-8 years ago. This software is the backbone of many a department. The person who wrote the software left 3-4 years ago and left not a scrap of source code. And this software contains 7-8 years worth of data in a proprietary format that God himself would find hard to untangle. And that data exists only in this system.

Government is desperately trying to avoid having to get someone in to decypher the data and import it into new, expensively written, software that relies on IE7.

Google Chrome 4 lands (Windows) extensions on world+dog

Barry Tabrah

Six of one, half a dozen of the other

Is there really a tangible benefit to installing Chrome on a Mac? After all, Safari and Chrome are both based on Webkit and it's not like Safari is unstable or particularly slow (unlike our good ol' PC friend IE).

Facebook snuggles with McAfee in security spree

Barry Tabrah

Disaster waiting to happen

Free Download McAfee groups, Extend McAfee Subscription groups, Click Here to get your free McAfee emails, all pointing to malware. This I foresee.

Also you would not believe how many systems I look at which are heavily infected because the AV has expired.

This will not end well.

Avatar renders this earthly life meaningless

Barry Tabrah

Play the game

For those that need their daily dose of Pandora, why not buy the game? Pretty soon Assassins Creed Syndrome will set in and they'll get bored of Pandora and move onto other things.

Santa Fe man demands half a mill for being near iPhone

Barry Tabrah

However in this case...

The electromagnetic field generated by electrical devices from a neighbours house is what is really being ridiculed here. The levels of exposure from these devices would be so low at that range as to be unnoticeable in comparison to background radiation. And I'm pretty sure it's not being carried by shared wiring.

We are all hoping that common sense, and maybe a bit of science, will be applied in this case.

You will note that I am not saying that hypersensitivity doesn't exist, just that it does not apply in this case.

Ballmer preempts Jobs with tablet slate trio

Barry Tabrah
Gates Halo

Are slates the future...?

Slates, or tablet PCs as they used to be called, strike me as having a limited market. I sure as heck wouldn't want to use one strictly using a Windows 7 front end.

Once again I think it'll fall to Apple to show us how these awkward, unwieldy, keyboardless devices can be turned into practical devices.

Microsoft AV advice may aid attackers, researcher warns

Barry Tabrah

What to do about MSE

And I had such high hopes for it. Let's hope the microsoft techies working on Microsoft Security Essentials aren't following the same principles.

Watchdog files complaint over Facebook 'privacy' settings

Barry Tabrah

Bunch of ungrateful freeloading swines

It's not like Facebook is charging anyone. It's offering a free service for those who wish to use it. If they want to change their policies then that's their right. After all, it's not like they did it without telling people.

Ooh, I was a bit cold but now I can almost feel the flames. :)

Wireless e-car recharge tech within range?

Barry Tabrah

When competing technologies collide

What happens when I walk past an active powermat car charger with my powermat adapted iphone in my pocket? Does my poor iphone go boom?

Spyware threat haunts squeaky-clean iPhones

Barry Tabrah

Stay safe, avoid stupid apps

The most likely carriers of such evil would be apps like the fart button (not that I'm currently accusing these developers of anything more than poor taste). It's unlikely that malware developers would put the time and effort into developing something useful.

So do the world a favour and avoid the stupid apps. It'll help keep your data safe and make the world a more pleasant place for everyone around you.

Olympic ticket scams already starting, says top e-cop

Barry Tabrah

Protecting the gullible

A well designed advert warning of the dangers slapped in the X Factor ad break would probably prevent 90% of the UK public falling for such scams.

Japanese algorithm 'can tell if you're about to die'

Barry Tabrah

How to get help fast

Everything you need to know in order to get that ambulance to you first. Includes breathing exercises and phrases guaranteed to make it sound like you're dieing.

Michael Dell: Netbooks go sour after 36 hours

Barry Tabrah

I'm with Michael on this one

At least I am when it comes to Dell kit. No inbuilt 3G, poor performance, and not exactly the prettiest chunks of hardware on the market.

There is the issue of general useability with netbooks but they do have their place and if they are designed to meet their niche then all is well. I just feel that Dell netbooks aren't.

Palm Pre backs away from Apple iTunes

Barry Tabrah

A touch of irony

Such hate for Apple for preventing non-Apple devices from accessing Apple software. Surely such people would rejoice that they cannot fall into the trap of using, and possibly liking, Apple software.

Poor porn protection hurt Firefox 3 uptake

Barry Tabrah

Recipe for disaster

If there are a large number of people sticking with Firefox 2 then surely that's a major security problem. Not as bad as sticking with IE6, but pretty bad nontheless. After all, malware writers don't care what you use as long as they have a back door into your system. And as Firefox 2 is no longer supported by Mozilla it's not like any holes are going to get patched anytime soon.

The weakest link in the chain is once again shown to be the end user.

Most gamers fat and miserable, finds study

Barry Tabrah

Almost perfect match

Except that I'm a happy gamer! Everything else fits to a tee, but until I read this article I wasn't depressed at all... much.

O2 data fails, again

Barry Tabrah

Comms error

It's a shame that O2 aren't even telling their stores that they have a problem. Just spend 10 minutes having my phone fiddled with by staff before they tried a phone of their own.

Xbox 360 reverses plunging console sales trend

Barry Tabrah

Just suppose...

I haven't bought a new console in over a year now. I guess it could be because of the financial downturn, or more likely it's because I've already got one!

When was a new console last released? Are there thousands of people out there putting off getting a new console for this long? Or maybe, just maybe, everyone who wanted a console has already bought one.

Game sales would be a better indicator of the financial console situation. I know that I have to consider the price of games more these days.

High spam response powers junk mail economy

Barry Tabrah

Upon eliminating spam

I've always thought that the most effective method of eliminating spam would be to target the companies that advertised via unsolicited spam, rather than the spammers or botnet writers. Take away the profit and you take away the problem. Who's going to write a spambot if there's no spam to send?

Designers conjure up wacky 'car of the future'

Barry Tabrah

Safety features are soo 20th Century

Not a seatbelt in sight. And that table doesn't have a single cup holder. And if you don't have to drive, this thing NEEDS a minibar!

Samsung smartphone keyboard takes wing

Barry Tabrah

Warm up the Disney lawyers

To infinity and beyond!

Researcher barred from demoing ATM security vuln

Barry Tabrah

ATM + WiFi hotspot concerns?

This is one of the reasons why the idea of BT shoving wifi equipment in cashpoints concerned me no small amount.

The human factor in laptop encryption

Barry Tabrah

Decent encryption

I know that the user is the weakest link in the chain, and that most managers store their passwords on post-it notes stuck on the top of their laptops, but no manager should have the user rights necessary to remove encryption from a device in any organisation that carries sensitive information. And no decent encryption should allow a user to turn it off.

Any organisation that doesn't use decent encryption methods deserves to have their data stolen, and should be held accountable for the consequences of that data loss.

There is a reason why IT experts are hired. It is a wise idea not to ignore their advice just because you don't like the results.

Microsoft begins Security Essentials downloads

Barry Tabrah
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No complaints here

I see no problem with software such as this being installed as part of Windows Updates. I spend more and more time these days cleaning malware from people PCs just because they have outdated or unregistered AV software. Some protection is always better than none and I believe the introduction of the MSRT has been a step in the right direction.

Chrome feels the need - the need for speed

Barry Tabrah

Zoom improvements

One of the features that's been missing so far from the Stable release of Chrome is a proper zoom function. As I use my TV as my computer screen the ability to zoom in the whole page, not just the text, is kinda important to me. So far the new version looks like it'll do what I need. Hopefully I should be able to discard IE completely now (apart from needing it for badly written web pages of course).

Apple patents all-seeing display

Barry Tabrah

Aston Martin Vanish a possibility?

A screen that doubles as a camera? There be some cloaking potential in that idea. No more deciding where to put the camera and where to put the display, just wrap the vehicle / building in AppleCamScreen ... mmmm AppleCamScreen.

Microsoft rebrands WGA nagware for Windows 7

Barry Tabrah
Gates Halo

You may complain but it's working

When I say working I mean that the use of non-legit copies of the OS amongst the people I meet has tended to decrease. It is often easier to purchase a copy of the OS than to try and fudge away the Activation with every Service Pack, and the cost of an OEM version is not unreasonable.

Yes I know that Linux is free. And OSX doesn't need this tech because you have to buy an Apple computer to run it in the first place (officially). But with the Windows OS being the only purchasable OS for PC it's only fair that Microsoft try and protect their intellectual property isn't it?

Google buffs Chrome with security update

Barry Tabrah

Clarification on Chrome versions

There are two releases of Chrome, a stable version and a developer version. If it's version 2.x then it's currently the developer version.

More information on current versions and changes can be found at the following link;


Asus Eee Box B206

Barry Tabrah
Thumb Down

Pointless machine

If it's meant to be a cheap and cheerful machine then it should have a DVI output. If it's meant to be a media centre then it should have the grunt for the job.

From your review this machine fails to do what it was designed to do. I mean, what's the point of HDMI without the HD?

I personally think 75% is a generous review.

Researchers dissect world's first Mac botnet

Barry Tabrah

Missing the point

The point of this is not that the malware was installed through the use of warez, the point is that the Macs in question had nothing to protect themselves from this infection.

The majority of infections on the PC are caused by the installation of something by the user, mostly from websites. Antivirus and Spyware protection are the components by which users are protected from their own stupidity.

As Macs are targeted more, Mac users are going to have to consider investing in some extra software. And good luck finding an expert who can clean your Mac. I'm pretty good at bringing a PC back from the brink, but I wouldn't know where to start on the Mac.

Methinks the Mac Geniusi are going to need a whole new level of genius pretty soon now.

Can the iPhone save NFC?

Barry Tabrah

Another possible application

If product tagging within supermarkets (one of the many lauded applications for RFID) took off, consumers could pull up nutrition information, allergy warnings, supermarket price comparisons, etc. This could tie up with shopping lists created by your fridge and uploaded to your phone.

God I miss Tommorow's World!

Microsoft goes retail with own shops

Barry Tabrah

Let the jokes begin

It'll take 5 minutes to get into the store. Upon entering the store you will be handed 20lb of Microsoft merchandise but no bag to carry it in. You may be thrown out of the store at any point with no warning. You will be hounded by sales staff asking you if you are sure you wish to browse this shelf.

And then there's always the risk of counterfeit Microsoft Stores. Happy days.

Sony plans movie+game dual-media Blu-ray Discs

Barry Tabrah
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More rushed out tat in the games market

Some of the worse games are those with movie tie-ins, but the real stinkers are the ones that are developed by 4th grade developers using a game engine they developed 5 years ago and rushed out to cash in on a movie release. And how much will we be charged for these abominations I wonder?

This is not the way to sell blu-ray movies. Once again Sony is playing to marketing guys and not consumers. Will they ever learn? Methinks not.

Dogs and arson feature in top 10 data recovery disasters

Barry Tabrah

Number 8

Exactly how did a bottle of wine being spilt over a keyboard cause data loss? How much data was actually stored in the keyboard at the time?

Google gives Chrome spit 'n' polish treatment, says report

Barry Tabrah

Install location

The worst thing about Google Chrome is its installation location, which is in the application data folder of the currently logged in user. The Google team seem to think this is the correct location for Chrome as it's not an application. However on a multi-user system this can cause major headaches.

Microsoft created a Program Files folder for a reason. Sure, Google Chrome should be storing settings in the user folder but they shouldn't be storing applications there.

You have to question what other windows standards they are throwing to the wind.

Leeds Council loses kids details

Barry Tabrah
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Keep 'em coming

We are continually asked why we are insisting that our council staff pay £50 for a 1GB memory stick when they can pick up a bigger memory stick for a tenner down at Argos.

It's articles like this that help make our point.

Inside Microsoft's 'New Xbox Experience'

Barry Tabrah
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Stability issues

I know it's early days but there are still a few issues with the NXE, for example everyone I know has had the console freeze when viewing the Friends page, and the content is ofren reported as not being available (possibly due to high loads, time will tell)

Hopefully these minor niggles will be resolved soon. Overall however I quite like the change.

Porn breath tests for PCs heralds 'stop and scan'

Barry Tabrah
Paris Hilton

Most people aren't computer literate

This will probably work in most cases because a) most people don't password protect their bios and tend to leave everything bootable, b) most people don't clear their internet cache, and c) virtually nobody encrypts anything.

Just think, how many people do you know who would have the first clue of how to hide something on their computer?

Paris, because she probably thinks encryption is something she heard in Ibiza.

Dell adds multi-touch to Latitude XT

Barry Tabrah
Dead Vulture

How do you zoom in again?

...zoom in by touching the screen with two fingers and moving them together

Are there fruit related legal issues why you zoom in by moving your fingers together rather than moving them apart, or is it merely another typo in this extremely hasty and slapdash news article?

Built-in browser expiry proposed to fight botnet menace

Barry Tabrah
Thumb Down

Bad idea

We still run ECDL courses that require IE6 in order to run.

Force listeners onto DAB by killing FM

Barry Tabrah

Missing the blindingly obvious

There are many simple reasons that don't require a degree to figure out.

1) The units are too expensive. The cheapest DAB units start at fifty quid. You can buy a regular radio for under a tenner.

2) The average person doesn't want the extra channels. We like BBC and local radio. And we can get the regular channels on our good ol' analogue radio.

3) Most people who might want the extra channels can listen via the internet or their TV. They don't need to spend fifty quid on a radio.

The only way you can get people to switch is to knock the price down by at least half. You can't tell me that the manufacturing costs of DAB radios massively exceeds that of analogue radios. It's not like you have iridium-plated nanoprocessors in the darned things.

US bank loses unencrypted data on 4.5m people

Barry Tabrah

History repeating itself?

People have been shipping backups around ever since we've had backups. I realise that the reporting of these incidents in recent times is highlighting the problem, but imagine how much information has been lost over the last few decades. It's not like courier services have suddenly become incompetent overnight.

SanDisk warns that unsecured flash drives are coming to get you

Barry Tabrah

Encryption Software Woes

We would love to encourage users to use encrypted flash drives. However most, of not all, of the traveller software on these devices require administrator rights and that just ain't gonna happen!

Hard drive replacement sparks singed disk situation

Barry Tabrah

I've seen this before

About 8 years ago we had a similar problem with Quantum Fireball 6.4GB drives in our Gateway machines. We had about a 30% failure rate with scorch marks across a chip and quite often one leg of the chip was lifted off the board.

No black smoke though. Kinda feel cheated.

Acquisition-happy Game not anti-competitive

Barry Tabrah

The last bastion of PC game trade-ins

Gamestation was the last place I could trade in my £20 PC games for £1-£2 a piece. I sense that with this acquisition the second-hand PC game market is now doomed. Where shall we now get our copies of Myst and Leisure Suit Larry? I hope we are not reduced to car boot sales for PC gaming bargains.
