One more thing...
Beatles Rock Band for the iPhone?
Would someone PLEASE release a tablet computer, just so we can stop talking about this vapourware?
75 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Jan 2008
The thing with the Genius Bar is that you'll be taking some Apple-branded hardware/software in for examination. If it's a genuine issue, the Genius is entitled to go backstore and get you a replacement or at least perform some repair on the spot or by sending your hardware away.
How will this work at the Microsoft Store when you take your Dell, IBM, homebrew etc. PC setup in? Are they going to say "nothing wrong with your software, contact the hardware manfucaturer"?
What a great help!
The final salary pension was no longer available when I joined IBM in the late 1990s - my pension was/is at the mercy of the markets.
I was only with the company for three years, can't imagine how pee'd off I'd be if I joined as a mainframe monkey in the 60s/70s and now had the rug pulled out from under me!
It's no wonder that they didn't send the email until 5.30 (that is if they're still using Lotus Notes). ;)
People who bought the original 2G on contract (non-subsidised) were able to upgrade to a 3G on a new contract (subsidised) AND keep their existing 2G (which they could then sell for a tidy profit).
Now these people are expecting to be let out of a subsidised contract, given a 3Gs and able to keep their 3G (subsidy not paid off) to sell for personal profit.
Stop moaning, learn from your mistake in signing a contract and go PAYG next time.
Read in the Grauniad that one of their reporters was at a fireworks display in the general vicinity of the turbines on the evening that the strange lights were seen.
Doesn't quite make as good a story as tentacled space beings lighting up the bland Lincolnshire skyline...
I doubt this, mainly because it would be incompatible with most (if not all) of the content on the iPhone App Store.
Unless of course it's just an iPod Nano with phone functionality (and no touchscreen) with the clickwheel handling input like one of those label makers things (big in the 70s).
On second thoughts, naaaaaaaaaaaaah!
Usually record this show. Works great with my PVR's 2-minute forward skip button as Five's ad breaks last 4 minutes and the phone-in comp segment 2 minutes.
Given the crap challenges (testing product X still works after being run over by a tank), I can view the whole show in around 10 minutes.
The one redeeming feature is the older chap with the bushy eyebrows who sometimes presents a useful product test.
Although the "older chap" is probably really younger than the baldy.