* Posts by Quintius

4 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Jan 2008

Apple's 16GB iPhones are a big fat lie, claims iOS 8 storage hog lawsuit


I have a 32 GB iPhone. Strangely enough, it actually has 32 GB of storage--exactly as advertised. The OS does use some of the space, but I'd rather have the phone with an OS rather than without.

Uber apologises for Sydney siege surge pricing SNAFU


Not a "siege"

I wish people would stop calling the hostage taking situation a "siege." One guy can't siege anything.

Why we love to hate Microsoft


Not only does the Nokia item say more bad about Microsoft than good...

He can't even quote his sources correctly:

He said "96 Percentage of US netbooks running Windows in 2009." The source says "96% of netbooks sold in the U.S. in February [2009]."

He said" the largest cloud deployment in the US." The source says "one of the largest cloud deployments."

The "100% Percent chance that Salesforce.com CEO will mention Microsoft" is inexplicable. I found the first entry (http://cloudblog.salesforce.com/2010/03/cloud2.html) by the CEO in the company blog, and there is no mention of Microsoft.

Dreamhost billing cock-up shocks customer bank accounts


Sanity checks? Who needs sanity checks?

I worked with an ISP billing system a few years. We were usually quiet about billing errors. In one case, some bad data from the dial-up server resulted in billing someone for a session starting in 1947! The charge was some $300K.