I have a 32 GB iPhone. Strangely enough, it actually has 32 GB of storage--exactly as advertised. The OS does use some of the space, but I'd rather have the phone with an OS rather than without.
Posts by Quintius
4 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Jan 2008
Apple's 16GB iPhones are a big fat lie, claims iOS 8 storage hog lawsuit
Uber apologises for Sydney siege surge pricing SNAFU
Why we love to hate Microsoft
Saturday 3rd July 2010 17:52 GMT

Not only does the Nokia item say more bad about Microsoft than good...
He can't even quote his sources correctly:
He said "96 Percentage of US netbooks running Windows in 2009." The source says "96% of netbooks sold in the U.S. in February [2009]."
He said" the largest cloud deployment in the US." The source says "one of the largest cloud deployments."
The "100% Percent chance that Salesforce.com CEO will mention Microsoft" is inexplicable. I found the first entry (http://cloudblog.salesforce.com/2010/03/cloud2.html) by the CEO in the company blog, and there is no mention of Microsoft.