The heat should be vented **out** of the case and **not into** the case!
31 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Jan 2008
For those asking for a Windows solution, try one of the following Pinnacle products...
If you want a small USB tuner then I would recommend the Pinnacle PCTV nanoStick, but forget the aerial, it's pure junk as is the software.
If you need a TV viewer then I would highly recommend DVB Viewer (well, it's more than just a viewer, it's a full-featured PVR)...
P.S. Just yesterday I saw a (hardware-accelerated) system running nanoStick and DVB Viewer and the quality was absolutely stunning!
Great, now these systems will come bundled with more crapware than anyone ever thought possible! (Although, this probably happen as soon as HP laid their hands on them.)
P.S. Why does an HP scanner's "driver" have to occupy more than 50MB (or was it 100MB, can't recall, it was so long ago?) of space! And then why does both the hardware and the software suck more than the previous versions ever did? Probably because people see quantity before quality...
"AMD is pricing the 9150e at $175 and the 9350e at $195 - when sold in batches of 1000 processors - and was quick to point out that Intel doesn't have a quad-core that costs less than $200."
Is AMD comparing a batch of 1000 Intel CPUs with a batch of 1000 AMD CPUs or simply 1 off-the-shelf Intel CPU with a batch of 1000 AMD CPUs?
Paris Hilton - because she's easy to confuse
"We certainly didn’t notice any deterioration in performance with SD cards - from either a writing speed or a picture quality point of view."
Picture quality point of view? What did the reviewer expect? Loss of pixels or what?
Paris Hilton - because she might as well have written this review.
There have been many versions of the WRT54G, as can be seen from the following link...
Yes, newer version don't run Linux, but that doesn't mean one can't re-flash them with custom Linux-based firmware like DD-WRT, Tomato, etc., although, as can be seen from the link, the much needed flash (and the less but still useful RAM) size has been reduced in newer versions, limiting their usefulness.
To overcome this, Linksys came out with WRT54GL (note the "L" meaning "Linux") which is basically version 4 with a slightly different CPU.
Call me whatever you want, but somehow I doubt that the new WRT54G2 will provide more flash (or RAM for that matter) than the earlier models.
Team up **any** portable device, such as a COWON PMP, with one of these...
Paris - because the sun shines out of her a***...
NVIDIA Gelato is a renderer with raytracing support...
Gelato, is a production quality non-interactive "final-frame" render. (In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Gelato uses mental ray from their mental images acquisition.)
RayScale on the other hand appears to be a different beast in that it aims for interactive (i.e., real-time) raytracing.
My guess about NVIDIA's acquisition of RayScale is that they are hoping to benefit from the RayScale technology/knowledge to improve future GPUs with real-time raytracing support.
Microsoft is planning a mobile-in-a-watch replacement for SPOT but has not released many details of the new watch other than that it will be running a new version of the Windows Vista operating system called Windows Vista Ultimate x64 Mobile Edition. The watch is said to have a battery life of about 1 hour.