is it just me that wants to see Capita crash and burn?
Posts by Mike Somers
12 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Jan 2008
M&S extends customer support contract with, er, Capita
TalkTalk incident management: A timeline
First rigid airship since the Hindenburg cleared for outdoor flight trials
The tips stop here: Starbucks to take Square Wallet payments

Despise Tipping
Having worked in a pub for several of my formative years during uni and before as both bar staff and management I received tips on a irregular basis and when I did these had been earned - or it was Xmas/NY and drunk fools threw money at me as well as drinks. This experience has made me appreciate tips and due to this is hate tipping - well more accurately the expectation of it - I only tip someone when I have been WOWed (buzz word I know) .
I go out with some mates a lot and some of them insist on leaving a tip - I protest and refuse but then get treated like an old fuddy-duudy (I'm 28) - simply not on.
Euro watchdog to charge Microsoft on web browser choice boob

EU should look into others
I think the EU should stop concentrating on M$ and perhaps look at Apple locking out their phone's system so you can;t change the default browser - yes you can install chrome but can you make it default ... nope. seems Apple are doing what the originally accused M$ of and no one is taking them to court. stinks!
Waterstone's whips out its pendulous dugs

Has anyone else noticed .....
Don't know how many of you take notice in a drinking establishment such as Wetherspoons but their new uniform looks amazingly like Waterstones 'old' W - when I first saw it I thought I had wandered into the wrong place - that was before some busty wench gave me a generous amount of god's juice
English Channel defeats one-armed Frenchman
Microsoft discloses 14,000 pages of coding secrets will force paedophiles to register email addresses

don't think this is going to be popular but here goes....
i agree with most of you it is absurd that the gov should be trying to collect email address like this, ref: free emails and such. as has already been pointed out isn't going to stop paedophiles and the like (also including family abuse sexual and violent) and releasing them from jail when they know they will re-offend is stupid. my personal view is that anyone who 'grooms' 'abuses' 'rapes' etc etc should be castrated.
humour: could send them all to Thailand