* Posts by Bad Pritt

8 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Jan 2008

Publisher takes swipe at StarCraft II game mod

Bad Pritt
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great legal defence

"You had to have seen this coming"

Ammo rationing at Wal-Mart as panic buying sweeps US

Bad Pritt

23 rounds per head

now there's a thought

UK kids presenter gets online support

Bad Pritt

RE: Twaddle.

Actually, research has shown that human actually are genetically conditioned to be (somewhat) afraid of spiders. As a parent you can make your children overcome the instinct though.

More info at http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2001/10/1004_snakefears.html

That said, I don't think there's an evolutionary reason to be afraid of people short a forearm. Rather the opposite, really.

Infant calls cops to dad's dope plantation

Bad Pritt


Maybe it's procedure to quickly search a house after a 911 call was made from it and the resident denies. After all, he could have someone locked up in the basement who managed to make a call but couldn't speak. Yes, I watch too much telly.

16-card GPU bangs-per-buck mega shoot out

Bad Pritt

Re: 3d Mark Sucks

Although it is indeed a rather lazy way of comparing the cards, the conclusion is still valid given the huge margin by which the 4850s came out on top. I checked some other websites for reviews (dan's data was especially enlightening) and the figures seem to be fairly representative for average gaming performance. The consensus of online reviewers is that if you want a cheap, single card you should be looking at an 8800GT, 9600GT or 4850, while for top performance you really should go for the dual 4850s (or maybe 4870s later).

The Moderatrix will see you now

Bad Pritt
IT Angle

Where's the IT angle?


Face of Mankind DoS teen perp reprimanded

Bad Pritt

Why did they hire an outside firm?

Most webmasters could have busted him quite easily seeing how "invisible mode" was his only attempt at anonymity.

Microsoft develops 'intelligent' shopping trolley

Bad Pritt


flatscreens for a dollar :)