* Posts by disreputable

2 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Jan 2008

Banksy artwork tops £200k on eBay


High comedy

Banksy an astute political satirist? How utterly hilarious. See Graham Bartlett's comment above about pigs in police uniforms for just one example of the incisiveness of his so-called satire. It's all so tiresomely predictable - like listening to roomfuls of first-year students talking about Marx or Che Guevara, man. Still, it gives me pleasure to watch drooling sycophants like adnim being conned like this, so I suppose it's not all bad...


A twat of the first order

Mr Chris is spot on - the artistic equivalent of jokes in crackers indeed, with all the profundity and impact of a fortune cookie. Let's hope someone gives him a good slap one of these days for drawing his cretinous nonsense on their wall.