Well I guess us heathens..
are to still have Sunday off, eat bacon on Fridays, Develop for and summarily destabilize our chosen mobile computing platforms
Are Android users the new pagans who must be converted?
166 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Jan 2008
where MS gets to drop its wang on the table. Well true or not good for MS. I rather like W7 and the transition from XP to it was pretty easy. Im happy with my choices so far, penguin based phone, xp laptop with various penguins on USB sticks and W7 gaming rig that I leave off since I kill the planet every time I turn it over.
I believe the diplocube is reference to shape of said building being discussed in the article. I would say that said structure does look like it is designed with symmetry in mind. And of course a definition of symmetry is (not bothering with a dictionary at the moment) both sides equal from a dividing point or line. So hence a cube. And since it houses an embassy which usually houses diplomats, we have a very nice pet name of diplocube.
By no means do I wish the end of our rugged metallic robo-boffinry on Mars. I more wish to thank them for their contribution to space exploration at large. They have provided much more valuable data then they were intended to and lasted far longer than their design life. So i'll drink to that
I just wish to point out that users dont care about standards compliant, open source, etc. It's more "can I watch my porn/hulu, check my email in a non-annoying way, and does it f*ck up all the time." Now I more or less care to an extent, been using FF since 1.5 and have dabbled with Opera a bit. Also I have taken care to block ads and whatnot at the hosts file.
So the point is if you want to move someone away from something you do it with cheerful gentle prodding in the direction you want not with ZOMG!!!!! internet ending scenarios. That just drives people to be recalcitrant.
ok Im off, need more coffee, tea, and nicotine
I do love the healthy cynicism of a computing professional. Apple releases or is going to release rumored [iProduct], Investors cheer, lay people don't care, and us 0 and 1 types claim victory/waterloo for Apple. I wish them luck with the new [iProduct].
Me personally, living with and interacting with content creators and distributors, there is a lot more chatter about Android and specifically the Nexus One and the Hero. No shift from apple en mass but more a competitive mix between phones. Either way 2010, I hope, will be a fun year in consumer electronics.
why do I need a tablet to augment my phone and netbook?
As a Merkin this is now becoming far beyond silly. Please help us put this to bed. Dont come here anymore and cite this as the reason. A form to approve entry!!! I thought we were allied nations but I guess, as I often am with the government, was mistaken.
Grenade cause I'd like to put these under a few walls
It will be interesting to watch what happens here stateside. But we already have Hulu which provides much the same functionality with limited ads plus the fancy desktop app which is for PC, Mac, and Penguin.....for free to work with whatever TV you have or monitor....
As I said shall be interesting to watch
Firstly having lived not too far from the location in question, they are an uppity bunch. They do not know about moderators and on top of that this is the kind of area where the attitude is " how DARE you challenge my belief on ...... and there is no question that my son/daughter is the best, brightest, most attrctive, blah, blah, blah" and the "they can do no wrong" attitude. Or perhaps living in the midwest US for 13 years made me bitter.
Grenade cause it looks neat
What's lovely about having an article torn apart is that it opens it up for questions. Though informal this comment page is a debate on the piece in question. I cannot say I agree with everything that's said but at least it opens a dialogue so that we can have a firey knowledgeable and informative debate. Or if you choose we can just throw poop at each other
He lives in Texas ('m in California, pretty much the same just swap repub for lib etc) and judging by the average arsenal that is stowed there the snakes may well just turn into target practice. Also having shot most of the afore mentioned arsenal some of which is modified as to be able to clear an average sized club of its fleshy bits in mere seconds that said snakes would not have much of a chance to attack unless it were by surprise and they were knife proof.
Hand grenade since I will paint it like a dog and feed it to the snakes
I have a netbook as a second machine mainly since I would look foolish walking around with a fullsize desktop and well to power the thing.... But I've found that I use the netbook more and more for everyday stuff such as general work, email, web, posting comments on El Reg. I couldn't use it at work due to screen real estate issues as it doesn't handle 15 open windows that well. But having adobe reader, firefox, outlook, word, and IM open its runing very nicely. My desktop I have now reserved for games and when I want to watch movies on a >10" screen. Though VLC does do pretty well on this box
maybe I missed it but the numbers are lower for the new cards somewhere around 27W idle then again I may have misread. Also as a PC gamer the power draw from the GPU and the system in general is a fact of life. thats why the netbook does the day to day stuff and desktop only gets cranked over for game time. Its like the guy who has the v12 Jag in the garage and drives the civic to work. Both can do the same job within reason, one does it faster while the other does it more economically.
surely this has been talked about in other death-ray articles. But last I checked the mirror would have to be perfect to survive a blast from the ray since imperfections will trap the heat from the laser. I imagine the same rule would apply for reflective paint. So it doesn't reflect it but it will slow its effects which may be all thats needed
umm yes I have. Other than having the computer throw errors about new hardware for a half hour and then the activation link bug me for a day or two. reactivated windows over the web and all was well. Even spent time cleaning the registry of all my old bits of hardware. Could have imaged yes but the same problem would have cropped up.
Grenade cause I want to blow something up
Not only can trees sequester carbon and then conveniently store itself as houses. Don't forget paper, tables, pencils, bed frames, desks, that bit of wood paneling in the Jag. And Im sure there are for more places its stored that I haven't mentioned.....including the wood pile out back so I don't use gas.
Flames cause they keep me warm
Coincide with huge swaths of desert. Clearly the run down shack off the freeway(motorway) next to the solar plant needs 100 MBPS connection. As much as I would like a 100 meg connection I dont see a use for it. I like the idea of FTTH as a way of improving the last mile quality. But however the cash rich companies we deal with should be doing this on their own accord. But as with anything it takes time and this recession isnt helping much
Thank you for sounding off in the general direction of El Regs' readership. I rather enjoyed the statement of obviousness regarding the purchase of computers is akin to automobiles.
*takes Captain Obvious bars and applies to left breast of jacket*
And surely someone of your calibre can surely understand that we are all elitist about our chosen platform/s for which we play, work, and relax in front of. Now I please request that if you are to poke fun at us for arguing over a survey that is lacking at best in scientific basis you please find something more creative than F*cktard. What about sniveling twits, or perhaps snobby snobertons, or the steve jobs resistance front. please keep those in mind for future flame wars
After Apple gets their nose bloodied by Pystar(not saying they are gonna win). Whats to stop Pystar from moving to another less reputable country like Mexico or France and doing it again.
Anyway I already run BSD for free, no need to pay the Steve Jobs Army for the privilege.
Yes Fox is terrible for the fact that it is very firebrand and whatnot. problem being that MSNBC and CNN are no better from the other side. All these channels aim to discredit each other, the people involved, and generally add to the confusion. They are all just smear campaigns in disguise. I guess for myself I just prefer to read stories and discussions instead of them being compressed into 4 minute segments between commercial breaks. At least then I can understand the topic at my own pace and contrast it with another article from elsewhere. But I'm a minority USian for that I read for my news. Although those channels are good for breaking stories but that requires that I own a TV.
Dear Mr. Paul,
I wish to thank you for the contribution that you have made to this world. You have given so many of us a voice that we may have not had if you had not invented what you have. It is merely a tool yes but a powerful one that can bring joy, tears, satisfaction, and mourning with a simple movement. So before I start rambling I wish you the best of luck wherever you happen to find yourself now.
I believe this calls for a somber pint all around
From http://www.i4i.com/overview.htm
i4i is a world leader in the design and development of collaborative content solutions and technologies. Founded in 1993 by Michel Vulpe, the Company has a proven record of accomplishment and innovation. With its partners, i4i has successfully developed and deployed collaborative content solutions to customers in industry and government around the world.
It looks like they sell labeling solutions as well as XML authoring which, ironically, they show a screen shot from word
Ohhh well not to be left out, BURN THE WITCH and all that