* Posts by Mark Thomas

3 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Jan 2008

Ex-Sun chief to fight Davis in '42 days' by-election

Mark Thomas

Majority of Voters Appear Thick

"as a majority of voters apparently support the 42 day legislation"

Judging by the cretinous comments being played on the BBC news, the general public are spectacularly badly informed. Spouting gems such as "They should be held until they're proven innocent" and "They should be held until they've had a trial".

I'd leave if there was anywhere good to go.

Infra-red cameras to tackle congestion in Leeds

Mark Thomas

It's not the first

"Cars travelling on the Leeds high occupancy vehicle lane, the first of its type in the UK, are permitted two or more occupants."

There's one in Bristol, you can even read the writing "2+ Lane" on google maps http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=downend,+bristol&ie=UTF8&ll=51.504414,-2.496953&spn=0.000663,0.001514&t=k&z=20

Royal Society: UK gov needs to grow a biofuels policy

Mark Thomas

Carbon Neutral

"...and that such an assessment should look at the complete production cycle to see whether or not they are carbon neutral."

Perhaps they should do the same for the fossil fuels that are being replaced?