dab plus?
Is it dab plus or plus upgradeable
9 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Jan 2008
I travel to londimium on odd days. I've tried oyster PAYG, but have always been charged more, due to various issues beyond my control. The paper travelcard is fool proof, you pay for it up front £4.80 and no matter what you do, fail to put into gates, fold it, abuse it, you never get charged any more, and you can sell it to student for £2 - bargain
>You could have just made up a name and address. They're not the police, you're not necessarily required to be truthful.
But, then we might decide that you are probably a terrorist and therefore an undesirable person. Nasty things can happen to such people, door mysteriously broken down whilst at work, other cards stop working, you notice your blender is missing......
Yawn. We demonstrated this at BlackHat last year... There are so many cameras and other deterrents on the tube, that I don't know who will use this type of fraud. Terrorists will buy proper tickets, Kids get free travel. Maybe organised crime can do a massive DDOS, but how will that work?