* Posts by David

22 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Mar 2007

Etailer flogs signed Jade Goody biog for £1,000


Cruel Irony?

It's cruel irony that someone who longed for lifelong fame has achieved her wish in this way. It's like a fable where someone didn't consider the consequence of the wish they asked the genie for.

Extreme pron vigilantes are after you



Peer Guardian anyone?

Tesla takes Top Gear test to task


Tesla - old tech

More important was the fact that on the same program they had the Honda FCX Clarity, which in the turn of a key, made the Tesla obsolete.

We now have a working hydrogen fuel cell vehicle froma production line. All we need now is to convince the energy companies to start making and selling hydrogen at the pumps.

Gamers voice NXE woes

Gates Halo

@Alex Walsh

"There are 14m Xbox 360's out in the wilds. Even if this update destroyed a 100,000 of them, that would be less than one percent, which would be statistically insignificant."

Insignificant? You're obviously not a statistician then.

1% is a huge amount, and is massively significant for an operation that should have a 100% success rate.

I agree with the wise chap above that said "correlation does not prove causality!"

The madness of 'king cores


Moore's Law

"but Intel is a company obsessed to distraction with Moore's Law. It's like watching a crack addict do anything to get the next hit, a doubling of processor performance every 18 months, whatever it takes, in Intel's case."

From my uni days I remember Moore's Law being the doubling of transistors in a processor rather than the doubling of performance. Performance largely follows, but is not the driving factor. Or am I wrong?

Inside Microsoft's 'New Xbox Experience'



"that aside, the whole thing sounds crap, to put it bluntly."

So you haven't actually used it then?

Yes, the whole thing is a bit cutesy, but the party chat/invite thing makes the update a success in my opinion.

BT threatens to pull plug on better broadband


@Duncan Hothersall

"Can anyone explain to me why reporting of BT here appears always to ignore the EXISTING FIBRE NETWORK in this country, owned by Virgin Media?"

Erm, maybe because it's not a national fibre network?

McLaren teams up with chip firm for F1 hybrid tech



Doesn't a gyroscope resist change of direction rather than help it?

Microsoft slashes US Xbox 360 to sub-Wii price

Gates Halo

@Anonymous Coward - What's it got?

Erm?? Much better games?

Wii = Novelty. I don't know a single gamer who plays it regularly single player.

PS3 = Nice blu-ray player and nice graphics, shame about the controllers and the games.

Xbox = The best controllers of any console (so important, but overlooked), lesser build quality, but (and this is the important one) much better games.

Played them all, owned some of them, and the only one I would have is the Xbox.

Another day, another iPhone fix


A little bit of perspective required?

I'll just start off that I am not a mac fanboi, quite the contrary usually, and I don't have an iPhone, but I've used them as well as plenty of not so smart "smartphones" in my time.

The 3G iPhone, whilst it has problems, is miles ahead of any other phone out there, especially for the money. As someone mentioned earlier, Sony Ericsson's efforts have been bug ridden their entire life, but never got the derision they deserved.

People seem to be forgetting that this ISN'T an operating system for a PC, and it's for a phone. Yes they could have got all the bugs out before release, but judging by Symbian's (as their main competitor) efforts for the last few years, it's not a requirement.

I'll still shell out for one when the time to renew comes.

Delayed SQL Server 2008 hits release phase


@Anonymous Coward

Perhaps you should do a little research for yourself?

MS pulls plugs on XP SP3 mass launch


@ GDI32.dll

Abso-frickin-lutely. It's crazy that this problem is STILL in SP3.

Anyone who isn't a little tech savvy wouldn't know how to fix it. I even had to download some XP images from MSDN as my laptop only comes with "restore disks" and not a proper copy of XP SP2. How was I supposed to even get to the repair console with them?

Loopy Vista pre-SP1 update fixed with pre-pre-SP1 update


@Anonymous Coward & SP1 Woes

You installed SP1 beta onto your home machine and then describe them as "woes" when it doesn't uninstall??

Do you know what a beta is?

Sony chews the Blu-ray fat with Microsoft



I think it's pretty unlikely that they will increase costs of a Blu-ray unit, just to incorporate playing of a now obselete standard that was only adopted by a minority!

Virgin Media taps Microsoft in lengthy email outage


@Matthew Banwell

I believe in this instance VM = Virgin Media

Panasonic preps Wiimote-proof TV


Wii in 2003?

"In 2003, the US-based owner of a 42in Plasma TV suffered a nasty shock when his three-year-old son smashed up his TV’s display with a Wii Remote, because he didn’t win a game of Wii Sports Tennis."

Erm, I'm pretty sure that the Wii wasn't out in 2003?

Nintendo Wii set to beat MS' 17.7m all-time Xbox 360 sales tally


Wii is still just a gimmick

I know several people (myself included) who have either bought a Wii beacause it is inexpensive, and have either since shelved it, or sold it on. I since bought a 360, and haven't been able to stop playing it.

I think the above mentioned games sales statistics would be a better measure.

Lost HMRC discs pop up on eBay


Too expensive??

I loved their statement that they couldn't anonymise the data because it would be too expensive.

What utter rot. How hard is it to go SELECT A1, A2, A3 instead of SELECT * ??

Oracle readies mega-update patching 51 security holes


Oh dear @Anonymous Coward

You sound like the sanctamonious pr**ks we have to deal with at Oracle all the time.

If you still think SQL Server's code is based on Sybase code, it's time to maybe do a little refresher course...

Leaping sturgeon menace 'Swanee'


They are not small!

Shame that they had to catch it in the first place :-/

I wonder how old it was?


BBC stumbles on email list


To the anonymous posting...

3 times in a year?

You say: "In tests it worked fine"

What kind of tests were you doing?

It's not about the number of tests, but what you are actually testing!

Games firm pursues 500 pinball 'pirates' through UK courts


Your responsibility....

"It is your responsibility to ensure that your computer is protected at all times."

that's ridiculous. Is it your fault if someone exploits a un-patched vulnerability, or a virus infects you which your anti-virus misses?


I'm no lawyer, but I'm sure the fact that there was no intent would count for a lot.