* Posts by Phil Kingston

913 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Jan 2008


FuriPhone FLX1: A Debian-powered brick that puts GNOME in your back pocket

Phil Kingston

Re: get away from using Android

Pretty much. The phone was compatible with the network changes. But it was an import and didn't exist on the incomplete IMEI database they came up with to decide which ones to block. They had years to sort it all out, then got the legislation in place with just a few weeks to go.

I went and got an FLX1 and was pottering along quite happily. Then Optus blocked it. Literally hours on the phone with them just politely trying to see if they could confirm it had been blocked for that and not some other reason. It was genuinely painful. They can tell you it's blocked, but not why. At one point they tried to sell me an iPhone instead (nice try) and also asked me to send them a screen shot of the audio announcement that gets played when trying to place a call.

As you point out, Telstra seem to be not not complying with their legistlative obligations and blocking IMEIs (yet). I suspect it may be their own incompetence that's stopping them. Anyway, I'm trying to move to them. But I have duplicate customer details or something in their systems so no SIM can be activated for me. Their customer support has performed to exactly the level I'd expected. And I kind of felt sorry for the girl in the local Telstra store who I got sent to see. Got to play the game though, if their call centre supervisor person says that going and having my driving licence verified at a store will somehow unscrew their database records of me then I'll give it a go. Sadly she ended up with me politely explaining that of course this wasn't going to work and now she'd wasted quite a lot of my time. We're at 2nd level TIO escalation now and case may get looked in to further in nine weeks lol.

Phil Kingston

Re: Furi Fondleslab

A second-hand 9 year old phone is cheaper than a mid-range new phone? Crazy.

Phil Kingston


It's also keenly priced for something that's not Googled or Appled. You picks your compromises.

Phil Kingston

I've had a long-standing rule - work stuff stays on a work-provided phone. If they don't provide one, then <shrug>. I'm not going to sit on the bus and read 4 mails about how wonderful the retiring CEO is. If something is on fire, they'll call me (on my secondary number they have for that purpose).

Phil Kingston

Some that look for Google Safetynet etc won't launch. Others will. And the internet banking for most will work. Personally I'm doing a lot to de-Google and spend less screentime anyway, so having to wait until I get to a big screen to take 20 seconds to pay a bill is actually positive.

Phil Kingston

Try Linux WhatsApp


I too had that Contacts issue. I'm told Evolution works well as a quick way of syncing them to wherever. I can't remember what I did in the end and don't have it with me. Pretty sure I used davx in some way and all my contacts are on my mail provider of choice.

Phil Kingston

Re: First question

Western Australia, Bestern Australia.

I'm still waiting for Telstra to sort out SIM activation so I can get round Optus IMEI block from that shitshow of a 3G shutdown. And second-level escalation of TIO now lol.

Phil Kingston

Re: First question

Pretty well. And they're quick to address issues that may arise from e.g. compulsory VoLTE, weird US bands etc.

Yep, only single-SIM for the moment, but I use a VoIP number for most things and that seems to work OK too.

Phil Kingston

Re: Furilabs is Chinese

Maybe. But the PinePhone, even Pro, is a long way from an actual daily driver that this can be. And arguably has way more headaches.

Phil Kingston

Re: Furilabs is Chinese

I suspect that may be the distribution address. Pretty sure that's where mine shipped from. Which would make sense.

Phil Kingston

Re: get away from using Android

Problem with Sailfish is the limited hardware support. But that's true of any Android alternative. That said, Sailfish is a lovely thing to use imo.

Shame that Australia's batshit mobile phone laws banned mine and I had to flog it.

Hardware barn denies that .004 seconds of facial recognition violated privacy

Phil Kingston

Anyone know the specs/systems they used? Because, as I understood it, a lot of the privacy concerns were that Shane and Kylie could be accessing the unsecured video feeds and storage while snaffling sangas and xxxx at lunchtime.

Maybe now they could get back to looking at their website and "app". It's been so slow as to be unusable for several years now. Quicker to drive to Mitre10 and get something than search on the Bunnings site.

Microsoft rolls out AI-enabled Notepad to Windows Insiders

Phil Kingston

Notepad is not for that. If they want to dick about with that kind of thing, that's what WordPad was for.

Notepad is for pasting passwords out of KeePass to see if it's an l or 1.

Or reading conf files.

And similar note-y activities.

Put down the pipe MS

Google reportedly developing an AI agent that can control your browser

Phil Kingston

Where did I put my sabots?

US contractor pays $300K to settle accusation it didn't properly look after Medicare users' data

Phil Kingston

300k? How much did it cost the regulators in lawyer fees so far?

Got to Starr jailing CxOs if they want change.

Trump campaign arms up with 'unhackable' phones after Iranian intrusion

Phil Kingston

So, basically a cleverly-hardened dumbphone?

SAP CTO bows out over 'incident' at company shindig

Phil Kingston

He may be of the generation that doesn't believe the workplace is the place to play "let's pretend"

31.5M invoices, contracts, patient consent forms, and more exposed to the internet

Phil Kingston

Re: Physical security

Fines don't work. Even if eventually issued they're paltry amounts. The winners are lawyers and identity-theft detection companies.

CxO's need to start facing jail time. Get paid the big bucks, take the big responsibility.

Lego's Concorde is the only supersonic jet you can build for the price of a fancy dinner

Phil Kingston

Grab a 3rd party light kit for this and it looks amazing

China's chip tech still lags the West – by up to five generations

Phil Kingston

That report is going to look pretty funny in 10 years

Twitter must pay over half a million to unfairly dismissed Irish exec

Phil Kingston

72 pages? To write "the decision not to click "yes", should not be regarded as constituting an act of resignation and that 24 hours did not constitute reasonable notice"? That one sentence would seem enough.

I've got to start applying for these commission jobs.

Need to move 1.2 exabytes across the world every day? Just Effingo

Phil Kingston
Thumb Up

Re: Updated for the modern era ...

I'm enjoying that you weighed one. It's the details that matter in fanciful discussion.

HPE's $14B bid for Juniper waved through by UK regulator

Phil Kingston

As if the UK's CMA saying "nah, we don't like that" would stop whatever deal two US companies wanted to do between themselves.

VMware sends vSphere 7 into extra time by extending support for six months

Phil Kingston

Please can we normalise Software-Denied Infrastructure when talking of VMware by Broadcon

CrowdStrike update blunder may cost world billions – and insurance ain't covering it all

Phil Kingston

There's simply no way Crowdstrike aren't gonna get sued into oblivion.

Team-mates and partners should be making sure they don't miss out on their $10 voucher.

Microsoft 365 remains 'degraded' as Azure outage resolved

Phil Kingston

Darn. I was hoping to get in before some muppet made that comment

Sam Altman sues builder over $27M flooded, sewage-hit 'lemon' of a mega-mansion

Phil Kingston

I too have problems with my pump room

Car dealer software slinger CDK Global said to have paid $25M ransom after cyberattack

Phil Kingston

Re: Paying ransoms - cyber or traditional - should be illegal.

In Australia it is. We won't put up with that shit.

Hong Kong's Furi Labs shakes up smartphone scene with dash of Debian

Phil Kingston

Re: Why low-end?

There's a couple of guides online on how to get Lineage on there. Most out of date so you'll have to freestyle for a bit. Note that once you get Lineage on there and you spend an evening putting all your apps on it etc and go to put an actual SIM card in, you'll want to be sure your network doesn't require VoLTE as that won't work.

Most (all?) networks in Australia require VoLTE so you may be left with a nice Wi-Fi-only device and a bunch of swear words.

Change Healthcare finally spills the tea on what medical data was stolen by cyber-crew

Phil Kingston

They need to do what we do in Australia - it's basically illegal, except under very narrow circumstances, to pay up (directly or indirectly). Criminal proceedings could result.

Contrary to its fine print, Google says it won't confiscate repair returns that have unapproved parts

Phil Kingston

Can you prove that Pete down on his stall at the mall didn't break the screen connection whilst hamfistedly replacing the headphone jack with no manual, training and using a dodgy 4th party part that doesn't fit quite right?

That's kind of their issue, should they be attempting to repair items that _may_ have been damaged by unofficial repairs?

Bet a car analogy will be along soon.

Windows 11 24H2 might call time on that old NAS under the stairs

Phil Kingston

Re: Workaround

How do you spot a Linux user? You don't, they'll tell you.

That said, the moment there's a liveable Linux phone (with VoLTE), I'll be first in line.

Google Cloud shows it can break things for lots of customers – not just one at a time

Phil Kingston

Fair play to them for at least explaining it in a way even a CIO could understand


Aussie cops probe MediSecure's 'large-scale ransomware data breach'

Phil Kingston

With the state of security at Aus medical suppliers, this will be far the last one.

Telegram CEO calls out rival Signal, claiming it has ties to US government

Phil Kingston

All the cool kids are using Session now anyway

Huawei's latest smartphone features mostly made-in-China components

Phil Kingston

They'll just pump so much money and acquire so much knowledge and talent, from domestic and elsewhere, that they'll leapfrog western competition in a few years.

Microsoft doesn't want cops using Azure AI for facial recognition

Phil Kingston

Re: Seriously???

It'll be because _every_ American would sue any police force using face-recognition body cams. Whereas just one slightly toasted American could sue a flying-laser mishap.

Phil Kingston

Hope it's improved since last year https://www.theregister.com/2023/05/25/facial_recognition_system_used_by/

Microsoft dusts off ancient MS-DOS 4.0 code for release on GitHub

Phil Kingston

Re: Early Windows source code versions

Unpopular opinion but 8 was excellent. But users couldn't adapt to the idea that Desktop was an app.

Snowmobile, Amazon's truck-powered migration service, reaches the end of the road

Phil Kingston

Could ask Pixar about the bandwidth speed of a station wagon full of backup tapes

Phil Kingston

I read that one of the drivers that got layed-off was a bit thaw about it all

Broadcom throws VMware customers on perpetual licenses a lifeline

Phil Kingston

Re: Chinese hypervisors?

Wait till you hear what else is Chinese

US lawmakers rage over Intel Meteor Lake-powered Huawei PC

Phil Kingston

It's almost like the Republican party is some kind of cult whose leader can do no wrong

Where there's a will, there's Huawei to develop one's own chipmaking kit

Phil Kingston

The market's gonna reap what the US ban sowed. And it won't end well for the established players.

Post Office slapped down for late disclosure of documents in Horizon scandal inquiry

Phil Kingston

"Fully committed"

My arse.

Sounds like they need to commit a bit more fully if retrieving files of any type, from anywhere, from anytime, is taking months. If only they'd kept them in the same folder as the documents giving the new CEO ~150k/year more than Vennells. Then a 140k bonus. Wouldn't be so hard to find I'll bet.

Iowa sysadmin pleads guilty to 33-year identity theft of former coworker

Phil Kingston

Dude needs to sell movie rights to his life. And a book. And I hope he's got a Go Fund Me.

Australian techie jailed for accessing museum's accounting system and buying himself stuff

Phil Kingston

Re: Circular reasoning

I believe new employers can register their interest on a person's Clearance with agsva so that changing employers isn't as much as a complete ball-ache as getting Clearance in the first place.

Also, if ever speaking with agsva you'll quickly find what a lack of humour sounds like. Those folks are absolutely no fun whatsoever

Broadcom CEO pay award jumps 164% to $160.8 million

Phil Kingston

Re: WTF ?

My accountant tells me it's not worth me getting out of bed for less than $435,360 so I feel his pain.

Palo Alto investor sues over 28% share tumble

Phil Kingston

Re: Deserves it

If anyone every uses that in a meeting, I'll leave.

Phil Kingston

Only in America.

Utter boofheads, the whole point of the stock market is that it's a gamble. Can't bitch about it later.
